Ultimately Bitcoin is just a pet rock, and so is gold, but gold goes way deeper in the human psyche. Fiat is a fantasy as well, but the fiat fantasy can be maintained at the point of a government gun.
They tuck you up, your mum and dad..
The issue isn't maths v words. It's real life v cossetted life. Real life engenders risk tolerance and risk management; Uni followed by civil service begets risk aversion and hierarchical stasis. Young men who should be having business or creative adventures rather perpetuate their adolescence with credentialism and time served. Young women of either sex in a rule-based, feminised world get to hone their 'agreeableness' and risk avoidance skills, leading to wokery, lockdowns, vaccine mandates and Hell.
I caricature to make the point. My daughters aren't like that!
I caricature to make the point. My daughters aren't like that!
This vibe comes from the top. Chief of the Defence Staff Radakin is a glib, woke-adjacent, lip-flapper like most of the big cheeses in modern British life.
Big subject. Basically it depends if America wishes to endanger itself with military engagement in Europe. The danger is less from Russian aggression and more from the West's own military-industrial-globalist complex fubarring the world. Relying on the geostrategic wisdom of eg Biden, Cameron, Obama, Johnson, Milley, Nuland etc etc to avoid wars is frankly insane. Trump and Putin have far more common sense. Eg Trump's Ukraine policy starts with "I want to stop the killing."
I have several UK/US children and considerable worldly experience. I recognize these merely credentialled lip-flappers who mostly run our countries as dangerous idiots who endanger my children on both sides of the pond.
On the technical point of the UK's military benefit to America: by all means ditch us; our military is as corrupted and demoralized as yours. Our usefulness to you is that we can be nuked first as a warning before proceeding to all-out war on the Homelands. That said, cometh the hour, cometh the men and women. Britain has an ancestral courage and intelligence below the surface that you won't find elsewhere. There is a strong current of re-moralization, tho it may take a decade to work through the politics. A radical Trump presidency might turbo-charge a global fightback against the globalist parasites undermining the West.
I have several UK/US children and considerable worldly experience. I recognize these merely credentialled lip-flappers who mostly run our countries as dangerous idiots who endanger my children on both sides of the pond.
On the technical point of the UK's military benefit to America: by all means ditch us; our military is as corrupted and demoralized as yours. Our usefulness to you is that we can be nuked first as a warning before proceeding to all-out war on the Homelands. That said, cometh the hour, cometh the men and women. Britain has an ancestral courage and intelligence below the surface that you won't find elsewhere. There is a strong current of re-moralization, tho it may take a decade to work through the politics. A radical Trump presidency might turbo-charge a global fightback against the globalist parasites undermining the West.
Britain's interest in Ukraine should be humanitarian and peacemaking. There's no mandate to go to war against Russia, no treaty, no limiting rationale, no threat to our own defence. The real motives are:
1. Johnson and now Sunak see advantage in strutting around.
2. The Western elites see Russia's cultural conservatism as a threat.
I find these reasons insufficient for them to spend my money and endanger my family.
Conspiracy theories:
The vaccines aren't safe and aren't effective;
Masks are unhealthy and harm children's developement;
Lockdowns are a social catastrophe;
The BBC is a left-wing disinformation machine;
Catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is scientifically controversial;
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is an employment program for race hustlers, perverts and apparatchiks;
Phrases like 'conspiracy theory' are linguistic weapons to avoid reasoning...
Those conspiracy theories?
Re-categorizing scientific truths or moral opinions as religious beliefs is a way of putting them in a small box labelled 'kooky'. .
My heart is broken, but I am not broken.
The great strategic advantage of a free society is that it can correct strategic error. Thus Obama begat Trump and Heath begat Thatcher, but Hitler and Napoleon went all the way to Moscow and begat absolute defeat.
The UK has committed appalling strategic errors as follows:
1. Muslim immigration. It's obvious that Islam or dhimmitude is our demographic destiny absent vigorous reversal.
2. A giant public sector which acts as a tapeworm on the productive life of the UK and has infected the country with cultural marxism.
3. Devolution. Giving power to the likes of Drakeford and Yousaf is insane.
4. Well, I could go on, but won't.
The UK has committed appalling strategic errors as follows:
1. Muslim immigration. It's obvious that Islam or dhimmitude is our demographic destiny absent vigorous reversal.
2. A giant public sector which acts as a tapeworm on the productive life of the UK and has infected the country with cultural marxism.
3. Devolution. Giving power to the likes of Drakeford and Yousaf is insane.
4. Well, I could go on, but won't.
There is a tide of correction building, but no obvious leader. Tice is nice, but can he fight dirty? Can he fight? Nigel strikes me as too chummy with all and sundry. Suella, who knows? Maybe we're fated to suffer the ineffable Starmer while the Right rights itself. I'd prefer that to these Conservative Party traitors.
But the strategic issue is "What is the point of NATO for America or for my country, the UK?"
NATO sort of worked as a bulwark against the Warsaw Pact, but Russia now is a different animal than the USSR, far less threatening. Ukraine illustrates the danger of puerile NATO expansionism. Indeed Russia could be a better ally than Macron's France or Scholz's Germany or Erdogan's Turkey.
NATO is now a tripwire that generates existential risk for all concerned. Putin is the devil to Western elites, as is Trump, because the elites sense that their perverted cultural agendas would lose the access to government money and power should national conservatism prevail.
NATO sort of worked as a bulwark against the Warsaw Pact, but Russia now is a different animal than the USSR, far less threatening. Ukraine illustrates the danger of puerile NATO expansionism. Indeed Russia could be a better ally than Macron's France or Scholz's Germany or Erdogan's Turkey.
NATO is now a tripwire that generates existential risk for all concerned. Putin is the devil to Western elites, as is Trump, because the elites sense that their perverted cultural agendas would lose the access to government money and power should national conservatism prevail.
Chamberlain, Prime Minister from May 1937, re-armed. Chamberlain declared war on Hitler in September 1939. America sure as heck did not. I am far from a pacifist, but I regard war as an opportunity for all the most stupid bureaucrats to amplify their stupidity at the expense of innocent young men and civilians. WW1 had been an horrendous clusterfudge and any normal human would be slow to risk a repeat. Yet Chamberlain declared war on Hitler tho Britain wasn't threatened.
Go, Israel! Go to Hell, Hamas!
At Munich Chamberlain averted war over the Sudetenland which was mostly German and none of our business anyway. 'Peace in our time' was the proximate result, but if you want peace, prepare for war and that's what he did. Moreover in 1938 there wasn't the public acquiescence for war. In1939 post Munich, post the invasion of Poland, there was. In hindsight Chamberlain played a weak hand extremely well. Had America been in a military alliance with Britain to stem Hitler's ambitions, then he may have been deterred, but America too wanted peace right until Hitler declared war on America more than 2 years after Chamberlain declared war on Hitler. That smug Americans should use Chamberlain as a pinata is laughable.
I have supported Trump since 2016 and consider him the best president since Washington based on outcomes (world peace, economy, border, energy security) achieved in the face of a slow rolling attempted coup d'etat by the deep state and its media stenographers.
I'm leaning DeSantis thanks to his stands on abortion and Woke and Lockdowns and the covid vaccines. Trump is attacking him from the Left, big mistake.
Trump should be courting DeSantis onto the ticket with a view to DeSantis runiing the culture war while Trump runs America's place in the world.
I mention all this as a straw in the wind that a Trumpophile like me can move to DeSantis.
Lincoln may be the finest man to have become president, but he failed to avoid an horrendous civil war. The South was as much or more to blame, but Lincoln's imperative should have been peace over coercing an unwilling South into a superstate. Even if you disagree with that, the fact remains that Lincoln didn't get the chance to perform as well as Trump in other areas.
FDR had virtues as a war leader, but behaved like a Wilsonian dictator in the Thirties and prolonged the Depression with his socialism. His accommodations with Stalin near the end of WW2 led to tremendous difficulties and betrayals.
Well, the greatest president was Washington obviously. Trump and Coolidge next. Lincoln last for not averting the Civil War, tho maybe Lincoln was the finest human being.
Toby is clearly biased against Trump and it’s fun hearing Nick slap him down. The whole fallacy is based on wanting a President whom you like and admire personally whereas the only thing that matters is outcomes. Washington cemented the outcome of a constitutional republic by turning down a third term. Lincoln engaged in an horrific civil war (which was equally provoked by the South) over a highly dubious principle – the non-right of states to secede from the Union. Coolidge was a model of modesty and citizenship. Trump achieved phenomenal outcomes against phenomenal odds. I imagine Toby doesn’t get that because he did PPE at an Oxford madrassa.
Toby is clearly biased against Trump and it’s fun hearing Nick slap him down. The whole fallacy is based on wanting a President whom you like and admire personally whereas the only thing that matters is outcomes. Washington cemented the outcome of a constitutional republic by turning down a third term. Lincoln engaged in an horrific civil war (which was equally provoked by the South) over a highly dubious principle – the non-right of states to secede from the Union. Coolidge was a model of modesty and citizenship. Trump achieved phenomenal outcomes against phenomenal odds. I imagine Toby doesn’t get that because he did PPE at an Oxford madrassa.
I’m halfway through – there’s only so much anti-wokery I can take. The wokists are repellent and demonic and boring. But I note that Nick has evolved into a suave pussycat who toys with Toby the mouse. Tobes is startlingly ill-informed on Trump, lawfare and the 2020 election, so he hews to the ‘they all do it and it evens out’ line. Nick shivs him with facts while affecting to defer to Toby’s seniority. I suppose it helps that Delingpole has softened Toby up by going right over the top the day before. Nick and James are a great tag-team and Toby provides good sport.
Chin up though, Toby. You’ve earnt an earldom at least – ‘Toby, Earl of Overton’. Low blow, sorry, but you have to kick a man when he’s down or what’s the point?
Chin up though, Toby. You’ve earnt an earldom at least – ‘Toby, Earl of Overton’. Low blow, sorry, but you have to kick a man when he’s down or what’s the point?
The truth is, there is a sizable percentage of people who live vicariously through tyranny. They feed on scraps from the tables of authoritarians. These are the useful idiots we have long warned about in the liberty movement, and they were definitely on parade during covid, applauding the end of our country as we knew it and joyfully embracing Big Brother. When the next crisis erupts it’s not just the globalists we have to worry about, it is also the horde of leftist cultists and Karens anxious for another taste of power and willing to do anything to get it.
As a Londoner (who emigrated to North Yorkshire via Houston, Den Haag and New Jersey) it sets my teeth on edge to read Americans going gooey about Mayfair, Piccadilly and South Kensington. These are soulless, wealth obsessed enclaves that have nothing to do with what makes London exciting.
A reporter asked Bernie Ecclestone what it was that six foot tall super models saw in a five foot three inch, eighty year old billionaire.
"When I stand on my wallet, we are the same height"
Has anyone seen Hans Niemann and Sam Bankman Fried in the same room ?
The signal to virtue ratio approaches infinity. m
His heart was broken, but not his spirit. m
I lived in America until recently and made a habit of asking random Tesla owners how they liked their car, battery life, range anxiety etc. There was universal happiness. I have no agenda, just curious.
The explosion in numbers of Teslas on the road belied the negative commentary I was hearing in podcasts like Quoth The Raven. Critics had the small picture right - Musk is charlatan, Tesla's finances were in the toilet - but missed the big picture: Musk isn't only a charlatan. Buyers loved the product and Tesla was achieving a massive ramp in sales and production using radically innovative techniques. Tesla made big mistakes, but corrected them fast because Musk gets both the customer experience and the manufacturing experience and, like Jobs, like Bezos, he's a dictator.
What he's doing at Twitter is probably the most important thing going on in the world right now. Twitter is the very emblem of free speech in chains and free speech is the foundation of free thought and a free life. It enables progress because it enables risks to be taken that free speech can correct. The catastrophic Lockdowns and grotesque medical scandal of the faux vaccines were enabled by the suppression of free speech on social media and in organs like the DT. Musk is the antidote.
Sexual perversion seems to be at the core of Progressivism. I know nothing about Qanon except what I picked up from a Progressive frenemy that it involves 'a conspiracy theory' that the Left's elite are full of pedophiles. I'm more a believer in convergent opportunism than conscious conspiracy, but what with abortion, the LGBT agenda in schools, Disney, the NYT doing narrative framing for Balenciaga's obscenities....there sure seems to be a crowd of Progressives converging on the same target.
'Weakness is provocative.' Obama, then Biden, provoked Russia with weakness. Trump deterred Russia with strength and America First, but also with an empathy for Russian security concerns.
John, you might reflect on that when next you fulminate against Trump's impolite speech. It really doesn't matter if he's rude to Americans or their wives. It matters that he maintained peace thru strength.
A significant part of the Putin hatred is cultural - most Russians are contemptuous of the Progressive love for perversion and mental illness as holy states. Western elites recoil at Putin's cultural conservatism. Other counter-examples like Poland and Hungary and parts of America are an existential threat to their worldview.
None of that excuses Russian brutality and war crimes which should face some sort of justice, if only nominal justice, but Trump's handling of Russia is yet another instance of how great a President he was.
John, you might reflect on that when next you fulminate against Trump's impolite speech. It really doesn't matter if he's rude to Americans or their wives. It matters that he maintained peace thru strength.
A significant part of the Putin hatred is cultural - most Russians are contemptuous of the Progressive love for perversion and mental illness as holy states. Western elites recoil at Putin's cultural conservatism. Other counter-examples like Poland and Hungary and parts of America are an existential threat to their worldview.
None of that excuses Russian brutality and war crimes which should face some sort of justice, if only nominal justice, but Trump's handling of Russia is yet another instance of how great a President he was.
From fallible memory:
£52b on HS2;
£37b on Covid fraud;
£ half a trill on catastrophic Lockdowns;
££ on illegal immigrants;
££ on diversity;
££ on Stonewall;
££££ on Net Zero.
££££ on civil service gold plated pensions far beyond the reach of the rest of us;
and on and on until the parasite kills the host.
Hunt and Sunak were prime promoters and enablers of these catastrophes. They are of the smarmy, credentialled type that has wrecked this country.
The Climate Emergency is an utter scam and I had a deep career in the oil industry which I continue to love and respect. But EVs have 2 winning advantages over ICEs:
1. I don't want my children and grandchildren breathing fumes from gas/diesel engines.
2. Electricity is far more fungible than a specific fuel like hydrogen or gasoline. Batteries can be powered by whatever upstream energy source makes sense for that time and location and pricing, be it coal, be it nuclear fusion. That's a tremendous efficiency gain.
2. Electricity is far more fungible than a specific fuel like hydrogen or gasoline. Batteries can be powered by whatever upstream energy source makes sense for that time and location and pricing, be it coal, be it nuclear fusion. That's a tremendous efficiency gain.
There are other pluses and minuses like the mining of rare earths and the engineering elegance and ease of servicing of EVs; they are up for debate, but pollution abatement and energy fungibility trump the rest.
"Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud......Citizens who vote at home, at nursing homes, at the workplace, or in church are more susceptible to pressure, overt and subtle, or to intimidation. Vote buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail,"
The Presidential Commission on Federal Election Reform chaired by Jimmy Carter and Republican former Secretary of State James Baker, 2005.
Carter changed his tune when he realized how Dems could abuse absentee voting. The US constitution refers only to Election Day.
"How to win elections in the US in the 21st century:
Flood the land with mail-in ballots two months prior to an election.
Unleash the ground troops, aka the unions.
Send these battalions of union operatives into the housing projects, assisted living centers and onto college campuses.
Personally assist the ballot recipients in whatever way necessary, such as filling out the ballot in "preparation" for their signature or helping them out economically with a gift card in exchange for their ballot or peer pressure at the student union or simply "hoovering" up the avalanche of discarded ballots for later "processing".
Wrap yourself in the American flag and call it "empowering the disenfranchised voter" while howling "racist" and "denier" in the media and on Twitter at anyone who has the audacity to point out how corrupt this effort looks to normal Americans."
Trump was the most successful President since Washington. His outcomes were more conservative and more pro-American than Reagan. Since 2015 he's been traduced and attacked on nearly all sides. John, like many establishment conservatives, just hates Trump the man. Trump's pugnacity and demeanour are a persistent reprimand to their idea of politics.
I have no love for Trump and care only about outcomes. I don't buy John's instant presumption that Trump is to blame for GOP underperformance when mail-in ballots, early voting and ballot harvesting are more direct mechanisms. Hence I'm undecided about Trump v DeSantis and would prefer Trump + DeSantis. It could be that DeSantis is the future - that's fine - but the Trump hate here is unworthy.
I have no love for Trump and care only about outcomes. I don't buy John's instant presumption that Trump is to blame for GOP underperformance when mail-in ballots, early voting and ballot harvesting are more direct mechanisms. Hence I'm undecided about Trump v DeSantis and would prefer Trump + DeSantis. It could be that DeSantis is the future - that's fine - but the Trump hate here is unworthy.
The root cause of the bond market kerfuffle is the gargantuan state run for the benefit of bien-pensant bureaucrats. The proximate cause is margin calls on UK pension funds against levered interest rate swaps. That is an insane risk for a pension fund, forbidden elsewhere. The bureaucrats in charge of financial conduct during this whole period were Andrew Bailey and Jay Carney, Governors of the Bank of England (both) and head of the Financial Conduct Authority (Bailey), the supposed adults in the room.
HS2, Net Zero, foreign aid, billions on tanks and aircraft carriers that don't work and are obsolete in modern warfare anyway, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, sex-change ops on the NHS....the list is endless. Above all just cut the public sector tapeworm that's strangling our country. If markets refuse to fund UK borrowing to be repaid by our children, then that is a very, very, very good thing.
Steve Kirsch puts together a reference post on Covid vaccine safety
The root cause of the bond market kerfuffle is the gargantuan state run for the benefit of bien-pensant bureaucrats. The proximate cause is margin calls on UK pension funds against levered interest rate swaps. That is an insane risk for a pension fund, forbidden elsewhere. The bureaucrats in charge of financial conduct during this whole period were Andrew Bailey and Jay Carney, Governors of the Bank of England (both) and head of the Financial Conduct Authority (Bailey), the supposed adults in the room.
HS2, Net Zero, foreign aid, billions on tanks and aircraft carriers that don't work and are obsolete in modern warfare anyway, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, sex-change ops on the NHS....the list is endless. Above all just cut the public sector tapeworm that's strangling our country. If markets refuse to fund UK borrowing to be repaid by our children, then that is a very, very, very good thing.
Steve Kirsch puts together a reference post on Covid vaccine safety
'Digital first responders'
'Correlation is a necessary condition of causation and is therefore always evidence of it.'
Nothing about excess deaths highly correlated to the vaccines, rampant menstruation anomalies, mRNA in breast milk, heart disease, compromised immune systems, suppression of test data, no long term data, and on and on and on. Simply disgraceful, criminal in fact by any normal standard of pushing dangerous drugs as medicines.
And don't delete this as misinformation. the misinformation is in the article as you well know.
When the Telegraph objectively reports its own record on censoring dissent on Lockdowns and vaccines, when it tells us about its editors' meetings with government and Ofcom on what to permit to be said, when it justifies or apologizes for the motives of the Global Health Security team and its funding by Gates, then the Telegraph may get standing in this.
Meanwhile, to adapt Auden, intellectual disgrace stares from every editor's face.
Trump = peace, energy independence, borders, price stability, compos mentis.
Biden = war, kneeling to Opec, invasion from the south, record inflation, dementia.
This was all completely obvious in 2020 yet you preferred Biden.
Son of President Biden calls father 'pedo Pete', writes '10% for the Big Guy'; daughter writes 'Dad took inappropriate showers with me', 'I was sexually molested'....nothing to see hear, nothing to report. Biden admin leaks that Trump has dirt on Macron, whoosh!
To adapt Auden: intellectual disgrace stares from every editor's face.
One day there'll be an objective evaluation of the long-term effects of omni-vaccination on the immune system. Eg maybe it's better for overall herd health outcomes that children do in fact experience hitherto common childhood diseases like measles in the context of clean water and good nutrition.
And bravo to the covid vaccine sceptics. While the media is figuring out a party line to varnish over the grotesque medical scandal, still intellectual disgrace stares from every editor's face.
1,000 excess deaths per week, predominantly cardiovascular, covid vaccines have known associations with cardiovascular adverse events especially in young fit males.
Yet the stories never mention the vaccines., eg today's report of the death of a cycling champion ('This conversation is now closed').
Talk about the dog that didn't bark
Abolish the NHS. Everyone has horror stories of infections and iatrogenic injuries. Typical is the the healthy older person who goes in after a fall and comes out in a body bag.
Get the state out of healthcare altogether and make individual citizens responsible for their own and family's health. Maybe a funded safety net for children. A richer, more free society will foster more private charity. Aligning incentives with good outcomes is humane, whereas spending other people's money on insatiable demand incubates a giant tapeworm that feeds itself on us.
'Digital first responders'
'Correlation is a necessary condition of causation and is therefore always evidence of it.'
Nothing about excess deaths highly correlated to the vaccines, rampant menstruation anomalies, mRNA in breast milk, heart disease, compromised immune systems, suppression of test data, no long term data, and on and on and on. Simply disgraceful, criminal in fact by any normal standard of pushing dangerous drugs as medicines.
And don't delete this as misinformation. the misinformation is in the article as you well know.
When the Telegraph objectively reports its own record on censoring dissent on Lockdowns and vaccines, when it tells us about its editors' meetings with government and Ofcom on what to permit to be said, when it justifies or apologizes for the motives of the Global Health Security team and its funding by Gates, then the Telegraph may get standing in this.
Meanwhile, to adapt Auden, intellectual disgrace stares from every editor's face.
Trump = peace, energy independence, borders, price stability, compos mentis.
Biden = war, kneeling to Opec, invasion from the south, record inflation, dementia.
This was all completely obvious in 2020 yet you preferred Biden.
Son of President Biden calls father 'pedo Pete', writes '10% for the Big Guy'; daughter writes 'Dad took inappropriate showers with me', 'I was sexually molested'....nothing to see hear, nothing to report. Biden admin leaks that Trump has dirt on Macron, whoosh!
To adapt Auden: intellectual disgrace stares from every editor's face.
One day there'll be an objective evaluation of the long-term effects of omni-vaccination on the immune system. Eg maybe it's better for overall herd health outcomes that children do in fact experience hitherto common childhood diseases like measles in the context of clean water and good nutrition.
And bravo to the covid vaccine sceptics. While the media is figuring out a party line to varnish over the grotesque medical scandal, still intellectual disgrace stares from every editor's face.
1,000 excess deaths per week, predominantly cardiovascular, covid vaccines have known associations with cardiovascular adverse events especially in young fit males.
Yet the stories never mention the vaccines., eg today's report of the death of a cycling champion ('This conversation is now closed').
Talk about the dog that didn't bark
Abolish the NHS. Everyone has horror stories of infections and iatrogenic injuries. Typical is the the healthy older person who goes in after a fall and comes out in a body bag.
Get the state out of healthcare altogether and make individual citizens responsible for their own and family's health. Maybe a funded safety net for children. A richer, more free society will foster more private charity. Aligning incentives with good outcomes is humane, whereas spending other people's money on insatiable demand incubates a giant tapeworm that feeds itself on us.
also https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-nhs-is-an-enemy-organisation/
Just abolish the NHS and leave adults responsible for themselves and their families, safety net for children and the elderly incompetent. Most illness is lifestyle related (lack of exercise, sitting for hours on end, obesity, smoking, alcohol) and is a matter of choice. Public health would be vastly improved by whipping away the largely illusory safety net of the NHS which is a tapeworm on the rest of society.
'Demonic' is right. The basis of humanity is the protection of children. By perverting humans against their own children with this horror or with abortion Satan is making us like him. I don't much care whether Satan is real or a name for the demonic part of me.
Either you have a laudable sense of humour or you've misinterpreted my post. The establishment lacked the will to interrogate the blatant electoral fraud. Eg Barr, for all his virtues, is a swamp creature par excellence. If he'd stood up for Trump he might be in leg irons now like Navarro was. He slow-slow-walked the Durham investigation into the attempted coup which was Russiagate and, just like most courts, declined to get involved in the electoral process. Barr didn't see evidence because he didn't look. Navarro, 2000 mules, Trump's recent suit, glaring statistical anomalies, massive mail-in voting with almost no rejects, synchronized counting halts in the middle of the night when Trump was well ahead, etc,etc, etc itemise the fraud beyond reasonable doubt. You claim that Trump lost a crucial cohort in the suburbs, yet his 2020 official vote is more than 20% up on 2016 and more than any sitting president. He got record support from blacks and hispanics, yet Biden's official tally beat Obama's by a mile - get real.
Even if you dispute all the above, it's indisputable that the election was rigged, eg with the suppression of reporting on the smoking guns on Hunter's laptop. I realize that you're immune to all this - that's the nature of TDS - but the truth will out.
'Demonic' is right. The basis of humanity is the protection of children. By perverting humans against their own children with this horror or with abortion Satan is making us like him. I don't much care whether Satan is real or a name for the demonic part of me.
Either you have a laudable sense of humour or you've misinterpreted my post. The establishment lacked the will to interrogate the blatant electoral fraud. Eg Barr, for all his virtues, is a swamp creature par excellence. If he'd stood up for Trump he might be in leg irons now like Navarro was. He slow-slow-walked the Durham investigation into the attempted coup which was Russiagate and, just like most courts, declined to get involved in the electoral process. Barr didn't see evidence because he didn't look. Navarro, 2000 mules, Trump's recent suit, glaring statistical anomalies, massive mail-in voting with almost no rejects, synchronized counting halts in the middle of the night when Trump was well ahead, etc,etc, etc itemise the fraud beyond reasonable doubt. You claim that Trump lost a crucial cohort in the suburbs, yet his 2020 official vote is more than 20% up on 2016 and more than any sitting president. He got record support from blacks and hispanics, yet Biden's official tally beat Obama's by a mile - get real.
Even if you dispute all the above, it's indisputable that the election was rigged, eg with the suppression of reporting on the smoking guns on Hunter's laptop. I realize that you're immune to all this - that's the nature of TDS - but the truth will out.
"Letter from long list of UK medical professionals:
You're busy so here's the punchline: "there is considerable evidence of rapidly waning vaccine efficacy, and increasing concerns over immediate vaccines injuries (such as myocarditis with its known potential for severe and possibly permanent cardiac damage). There is still a total lack of long-term safety data and the worrying rise in excess non-Covid deaths in young males aged 15-19 years has yet to be explained. Lastly, the vast majority of children have already been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 repeatedly and have achieved demonstrably effective immunity, which is far superior to vaccine-induced immunity."
I refrain from sending links on extraordinary numbers of unexplained excess deaths in highly jabbed populations, immune system harms, rampant menstrual problems,etc that would have caused immediate suspension of the the vaccine program before this politicized science became the norm.
Meanwhile I can't enter America being unvaxxed.
If you want an a-political hub on this stuff, I recommend https://dailysceptic.org/ "
Maybe Stonewall's Satanic influence is waning now that Carrie's 'gay mafia' is on the way out at Number 10. Boris, hang your head in shame that you went along with this.
The DT was happy to promote the woke bandwagon with weeks of 'My Transgender Diary' (no comments allowed) seeking to normalise a mental illness.
Typical DT hit piece on Trump pretending to be news. Rehash a story from left-wing US media, throw in tendentious tropes like "disproven claim that the election was stolen", simmer, stir and serve up to a DT readership that is completely wise to the partisan posturing of these activists calling themselves reporters. Pathetic, really. How about the story that Biden, the Big Guy, sold his office to China and Russia?
No, it's not the system. It's the cowardice and amorality of politicians and state employees in the face of blatant evil committed by the LGBT mafia in the institutions.
Ukraine was useful as a possible shield against BJ's domestic problems. Nobody asked me whether it was ok to spaff more of my money up against the wall of his political death-spiral, let alone the counter-productive sanctions on Russia and the risk of military confrontation on behalf of a country which is neither an ally nor a UK vital national interest.
On other matters I tend to agree with Mr Roberts, but I presume his defence of the indefensible is based more on personal affiliation with Boris than what is right - see also Hannan and Moore.
Scotland has never voted for independence and wouldn't today. There was a single referendum which the Scot Nats lost 45-55. It's a racket like the racket in Quebec against the rest of Canada; threaten secession, get bought off, come back for more.
Scotland, Wales and indeed Eire have been taken over by leftist 'elites', really parasites. Fwiw I, an Englishman, love Scotland, but it would be in everyone's interest for them to take responsibility for their own economy, including their share of the UK national debt. The catch is that an independent Scotland would become a satrapy of the EU and hostile to England. The enemy isn't Scotland or England or Ireland; it's the globalist, credentialled scum who have infected the entire West.
We have to treat climate change like the existential threat it is. As president, I will:
- End subsidies for fossil fuel corporations
- Ban new drilling on federal lands & waters
- Hold oil executives accountable
- Rally the world to raise the commitments of the Paris Agreement"
Biden, March 2020.
This newspaper virtually campaigned for Biden over Trump. Riley-Smith, Allen and Sabur et al pipelined MSNBC etc propaganda to the DT's readership, whose knowledge was so superior that comments were disallowed for most of the DT's US election reporting. There needs be a reckoning before the DT pontificates further.
1. Science has been corrupted by public money and 'when you mix science with politics you get politics.'
2 The climate is changing. It always does.
3. It's not clear whether there is presently a long-term or even short-term warming trend.
4. It's not clear that the postulated global warming is either catastrophic or anthropogenic. Our species has tended to prosper when the climate is warmer.
5. 'Peak oil' is improbable unless we've reached peak technology.
6. Wind and solar take up far, far, far more land and sea than oil and gas expro. Scotland's hills have been despoiled by wind farms. The deaths of multitudes birds and bats are ignored.
The whole cult of 'Climate Change' is as flawed as the recent Lockdowns and is brought to us by the same paid liars and politicized clowns.
Amid all the pro-abortion reporting from the disgraced US desk of the DT (Trump, RussiaRussiaRussia, hide Hunter's laptop, etc), there's not a single argument as to why it is wrong that the issue should be decided by the elected legislature, as in the UK, rather than by unelected judges. There is no intellectual basis for Roe or Casey, so whiny propaganda is all they've got. Is there an editor with any guts?
The Supreme Court ruled that abortion law is a matter for elected representatives not judges. That's it. Nothing else. Same as the UK. What's your problem?
**************In 1971 my girlfriend became pregnant. We easily, almost casually, arranged a legal abortion. Then she told me she wanted the baby, but that there was no obligation on me. We got married. From the instant that I held my daughter I knew that abortion is flat wrong. As I gained life experience I realised that the prime purpose of society is its children. A society which kills its children cannot be sane. All manner of other warped behaviours flow from that.
The power to make and enforce laws backs national currencies. That's real. If I want to buy or sell bread, say, and the law, backed by force, compels the acceptance of dollars in exchange but not bitcoin, then dollars are preferred.
Another problem with crypto is that it is not in fact limited to say 21 million bitcoin; it can be deflated by the infinite issuance of new crypto currencies or indeed by derivatives of bitcoin.
I say this as someone who despises the Fed and the BoE.
Just as Kamala Harris is Biden's secret weapon against the 25th amendment, so Kneeler is Boris's secret weapon against getting voted out. We need Fox, Farage and Frost to do the patriotic thing and form a real conservative party.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.” Barack Obama
Biden Must Go
Maybe Stonewall's Satanic influence is waning now that Carrie's 'gay mafia' is on the way out at Number 10. Boris, hang your head in shame that you went along with this.
The DT was happy to promote the woke bandwagon with weeks of 'My Transgender Diary' (no comments allowed) seeking to normalise a mental illness.
Typical DT hit piece on Trump pretending to be news. Rehash a story from left-wing US media, throw in tendentious tropes like "disproven claim that the election was stolen", simmer, stir and serve up to a DT readership that is completely wise to the partisan posturing of these activists calling themselves reporters. Pathetic, really. How about the story that Biden, the Big Guy, sold his office to China and Russia?
No, it's not the system. It's the cowardice and amorality of politicians and state employees in the face of blatant evil committed by the LGBT mafia in the institutions.
Ukraine was useful as a possible shield against BJ's domestic problems. Nobody asked me whether it was ok to spaff more of my money up against the wall of his political death-spiral, let alone the counter-productive sanctions on Russia and the risk of military confrontation on behalf of a country which is neither an ally nor a UK vital national interest.
On other matters I tend to agree with Mr Roberts, but I presume his defence of the indefensible is based more on personal affiliation with Boris than what is right - see also Hannan and Moore.
Scotland has never voted for independence and wouldn't today. There was a single referendum which the Scot Nats lost 45-55. It's a racket like the racket in Quebec against the rest of Canada; threaten secession, get bought off, come back for more.
Scotland, Wales and indeed Eire have been taken over by leftist 'elites', really parasites. Fwiw I, an Englishman, love Scotland, but it would be in everyone's interest for them to take responsibility for their own economy, including their share of the UK national debt. The catch is that an independent Scotland would become a satrapy of the EU and hostile to England. The enemy isn't Scotland or England or Ireland; it's the globalist, credentialled scum who have infected the entire West.
We have to treat climate change like the existential threat it is. As president, I will:
- End subsidies for fossil fuel corporations
- Ban new drilling on federal lands & waters
- Hold oil executives accountable
- Rally the world to raise the commitments of the Paris Agreement"
Biden, March 2020.
This newspaper virtually campaigned for Biden over Trump. Riley-Smith, Allen and Sabur et al pipelined MSNBC etc propaganda to the DT's readership, whose knowledge was so superior that comments were disallowed for most of the DT's US election reporting. There needs be a reckoning before the DT pontificates further.
1. Science has been corrupted by public money and 'when you mix science with politics you get politics.'
2 The climate is changing. It always does.
3. It's not clear whether there is presently a long-term or even short-term warming trend.
4. It's not clear that the postulated global warming is either catastrophic or anthropogenic. Our species has tended to prosper when the climate is warmer.
5. 'Peak oil' is improbable unless we've reached peak technology.
6. Wind and solar take up far, far, far more land and sea than oil and gas expro. Scotland's hills have been despoiled by wind farms. The deaths of multitudes birds and bats are ignored.
The whole cult of 'Climate Change' is as flawed as the recent Lockdowns and is brought to us by the same paid liars and politicized clowns.
Amid all the pro-abortion reporting from the disgraced US desk of the DT (Trump, RussiaRussiaRussia, hide Hunter's laptop, etc), there's not a single argument as to why it is wrong that the issue should be decided by the elected legislature, as in the UK, rather than by unelected judges. There is no intellectual basis for Roe or Casey, so whiny propaganda is all they've got. Is there an editor with any guts?
The Supreme Court ruled that abortion law is a matter for elected representatives not judges. That's it. Nothing else. Same as the UK. What's your problem?
**************In 1971 my girlfriend became pregnant. We easily, almost casually, arranged a legal abortion. Then she told me she wanted the baby, but that there was no obligation on me. We got married. From the instant that I held my daughter I knew that abortion is flat wrong. As I gained life experience I realised that the prime purpose of society is its children. A society which kills its children cannot be sane. All manner of other warped behaviours flow from that.
The power to make and enforce laws backs national currencies. That's real. If I want to buy or sell bread, say, and the law, backed by force, compels the acceptance of dollars in exchange but not bitcoin, then dollars are preferred.
Another problem with crypto is that it is not in fact limited to say 21 million bitcoin; it can be deflated by the infinite issuance of new crypto currencies or indeed by derivatives of bitcoin.
I say this as someone who despises the Fed and the BoE.
Just as Kamala Harris is Biden's secret weapon against the 25th amendment, so Kneeler is Boris's secret weapon against getting voted out. We need Fox, Farage and Frost to do the patriotic thing and form a real conservative party.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.” Barack Obama
Biden Must Go
Donald Trump would never have let this happen: he is too vain. If Trump had gifted Blackhawk helicopters and a lifetime supply of Humvees to our enemies, condemned thousands of our allies to the nastiest of fates and made the United States military and diplomats a laughing stock before the entire world, the media and the Democrats would be calling for impeachment and dusting off the articles of treason.
If Trump had confused his Vice President with a ‘general’ or fumbled with his cue cards because he couldn’t match a scripted question to a scripted answer, as Biden did at his press conference on Thursday; or shown the bizarre callousness and failure of short-term memory in his ‘That was four days ago, five days ago!’ outburst; or spontaneously abandoned the policy of strategic ambiguity on Taiwan in an interview with ABC, as Biden did with George Stephanopoulos on Thursday, the psychiatrists would be lining up outside the cable stations to explain why the 25th Amendment needed to be deployed now.
It’s that simple. Dominic Green.
These sign language appendages to government videos are pure virtue signalling and identity group amplifiers. They distract and detract from genuine communication. If it were about sympathy for the profoundly deaf (it isn't), then it would be an option like subtitles.
1. No evidence that Lockdowns work.
1. No evidence that Lockdowns work.
2. No cost/benefit analysis in favour of Lockdowns, plenty against.
3. Vaccines don't work anything like as well as Government said.
4. Unprecedented numbers of known side effects.
The DT was fully onboard with the pro-Biden / anti-Trump agenda in 2020. It served up recycled MSNBC/CNN/NYT/WAPO hogwash and mostly disallowed comments once it became obvious that the readership was better informed than its journalists.
The DT was fully onboard with the pro-Biden / anti-Trump agenda in 2020. It served up recycled MSNBC/CNN/NYT/WAPO hogwash and mostly disallowed comments once it became obvious that the readership was better informed than its journalists.
Hitler's threatened invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938 would have been an aggressive move, and the UK and France, leading world powers at that time, were called upon to find solutions. Churchill knew that Hitler's demands about Czechoslovakia were not going to be the last, no matter how often he promised it. He turned out to be right. After the Munich Agreement when the Sudetenland was occupied by Germany, the German officers who studied the Czech frontier defenses were not sure how well their army at time time could have dealt with them. Germany took over the Czech army arsenal of weapons, which was very modern and of good quality, and major armaments factories. The German army which invaded Poland a year later was much more powerful than the one during the Munich controversy.
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Mark Adams vaclav51 • a day ago
I don't think that addresses my question.
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Mark Adams vaclav51 • a day ago
I don't think that addresses my question.
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vaclav51 Mark Adams • 4 hours ago
OK. Direct explanation. The UK, as one of the leading nations of the world, with France another leading country, felt a moral responsibility to try to defuse the situation since Germany had already left the League of Nations, the collective nations' organization of the time. Czechoslovakia, a small country, was willing to fight the Germans if they had major country support. This major country support didn't necessarily mean they will go to war, but just the threat they may do so would have had a deep effect. As it was, the risk averse UK and French leaders let Hitler have what he wanted on Hitler's promise he will make no further demands from neighboring countries.
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vaclav51 Mark Adams • 4 hours ago
OK. Direct explanation. The UK, as one of the leading nations of the world, with France another leading country, felt a moral responsibility to try to defuse the situation since Germany had already left the League of Nations, the collective nations' organization of the time. Czechoslovakia, a small country, was willing to fight the Germans if they had major country support. This major country support didn't necessarily mean they will go to war, but just the threat they may do so would have had a deep effect. As it was, the risk averse UK and French leaders let Hitler have what he wanted on Hitler's promise he will make no further demands from neighboring countries.
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Mark Adams vaclav51 • 11 minutes ago • edited
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Power Line.
'major country support' is a nice euphemism for re-engaging in total war 19 years after the appalling error of World War 1. The British people were naturally unwilling so to do in 1938, when the casus belli was an ethnically German enclave across a recently re-drawn border. It is bloody impressive that they were ready to go back to war in 1939, led by Chamberlain. The UK itself was not at risk of invasion, but Prague, Anschluss, Kristallnacht, and the invasion of Poland had happened. Meanwhile the UK had mentally and physically re-armed (unlike America).
I do not blame the American people for abstaining then, but I do disrespect the a-historical moralizing of those who disrespect Chamberlain. That man and his citizenry chose peace in 1938 and chose war in 1939.
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Mark Adams vaclav51 • 11 minutes ago • edited
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Power Line.
'major country support' is a nice euphemism for re-engaging in total war 19 years after the appalling error of World War 1. The British people were naturally unwilling so to do in 1938, when the casus belli was an ethnically German enclave across a recently re-drawn border. It is bloody impressive that they were ready to go back to war in 1939, led by Chamberlain. The UK itself was not at risk of invasion, but Prague, Anschluss, Kristallnacht, and the invasion of Poland had happened. Meanwhile the UK had mentally and physically re-armed (unlike America).
I do not blame the American people for abstaining then, but I do disrespect the a-historical moralizing of those who disrespect Chamberlain. That man and his citizenry chose peace in 1938 and chose war in 1939.
5. No knowledge of medium/ long-term risks.
6. Plenty of cheap effective treatments and prophylactics.
7. The possible flu epidemic results from Lockdown, not from Covid.
This editorial is absurd.
Abort them, mutilate them, fill their heads with propaganda, vaccinate them. the state is mother, father, molester and abuser.
[This is a repeat of an earlier DT deleted comment minus one 4 letter acronym in front of 'propaganda'. Shame, disgrace and contempt be on the heads of the DT censors].
"Over 100,000 deaths prevented by vaccines, PHE reveals"
I can now reveal that my homework is superb.
"Over 100,000 deaths prevented by vaccines, PHE reveals"
I can now reveal that my homework is superb.
Trump spoke cautiously about the deal’s prospects for success, warning of military firepower if “bad things happen.” Pompeo similarly said the U.S. was “realistic” and “restrained,” determined to avoid endless wars.
Trump spoke cautiously about the deal’s prospects for success, warning of military firepower if “bad things happen.” Pompeo similarly said the U.S. was “realistic” and “restrained,” determined to avoid endless wars.
U.S. officials made clear at the time that the agreement was conditions-based and the failure of intra-Afghan peace talks to reach a negotiated settlement would have nullified the requirement to withdraw.
One day before the Doha deal, a top aide to chief U.S. negotiator Zalmay Khalilzad said the agreement was not irreversible, and “there is no obligation for the United States to withdraw troops if the Afghan parties are unable to reach agreement or if the Taliban show bad faith” during negotiations.
AP News https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-middle-east-taliban-doha-e6f48507848aef2ee849154604aa11be
This started with the Taliban sheltering Al Qaeda. Now the US taxpayer is gifting $85 billion of military equipment to the Taliban, surely the most grotesque unforced error in history.
Probably the man running US policy on Afghanistan is Jake Sullivan. Yale, Oxford, Yale - International Relations, PoliSci, Law - counsel to Sen. Klobuchar, clerk for Justice Breyer, adviser to Hillary, adviser to Obama, State Department, adviser to VP Biden, sinecure with Microsoft and others, National Security Adviser to President Biden.
To a Progressive this is a gilded resume. To me it's a gilded resume for a credentialled moron. m
This is plainly an Opinion piece presented as factual statement. I note that the Women's Online Editor, Claire Cohen, tweets: "I can't imagine how women in Texas are feeling right now. Their rights have been all but erased." The majority of women in Texas voted for the pro-Life governor, Greg Abbott.
AP News https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-middle-east-taliban-doha-e6f48507848aef2ee849154604aa11be
This started with the Taliban sheltering Al Qaeda. Now the US taxpayer is gifting $85 billion of military equipment to the Taliban, surely the most grotesque unforced error in history.
Probably the man running US policy on Afghanistan is Jake Sullivan. Yale, Oxford, Yale - International Relations, PoliSci, Law - counsel to Sen. Klobuchar, clerk for Justice Breyer, adviser to Hillary, adviser to Obama, State Department, adviser to VP Biden, sinecure with Microsoft and others, National Security Adviser to President Biden.
To a Progressive this is a gilded resume. To me it's a gilded resume for a credentialled moron. m
This is plainly an Opinion piece presented as factual statement. I note that the Women's Online Editor, Claire Cohen, tweets: "I can't imagine how women in Texas are feeling right now. Their rights have been all but erased." The majority of women in Texas voted for the pro-Life governor, Greg Abbott.
My comment "Reproductive rights is Newspeak for killing babies" was the 2nd most popular here when I went for a walk this afternoon. On return it had simply been disappeared. 8.46pm
The DT has a piece headed
The DT has a piece headed
"What the Texas six-week abortion ban means for women everywhere
The outrageous legislation won’t stop women from needing to end pregnancies; it simply makes it less safe and more stigmatised" by the CEO of BPAS, an abortion service.
The outrageous legislation won’t stop women from needing to end pregnancies; it simply makes it less safe and more stigmatised" by the CEO of BPAS, an abortion service.
I commented there:
"This is plainly an Opinion piece presented as factual statement. I note that the Women's Online Editor, Claire Cohen, tweets: "I can't imagine how women in Texas are feeling right now. Their rights have been all but erased." The majority of women in Texas voted for the pro-Life governor, Greg Abbott.
My comment "Reproductive rights is Newspeak for killing babies" was the 2nd most popular here when I went for a walk this afternoon. On return it had simply been disappeared."
Now all comments have been disappeared, presumably because the bulk were pro-life.
Please don't lecture us about free speech.
These are medical experiments. Neither the efficacy nor the short or long term risks are well understood. What is well understood is that healthy children have statistically zero risk from Covid and that natural immunity is far more effective than vaccine immunity. The politicians and 'experts' who push this should be in prison.
These are medical experiments. Neither the efficacy nor the short or long term risks are well understood. What is well understood is that healthy children have statistically zero risk from Covid and that natural immunity is far more effective than vaccine immunity. The politicians and 'experts' who push this should be in prison.
The legal guardians of these children will either be pressured or simply not be asked for their consent in blatant breach of the the Nuremberg Code on Permissible Medical Experiments:
"1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity." 1.04am
A whiskified blogger is Steven,
Likes peat in his scotch beyond reason,
Not Trump's boastful feats
And impolite tweets,
Gets corrected by Lady Lucretia.
A whiskified blogger is Steven,
Likes peat in his scotch beyond reason,
Not Trump's boastful feats
And impolite tweets,
Gets corrected by Lady Lucretia.
"...vaccine mandates will likely produce significant health benefits."
You have no idea of the short-term or long-term effects. You have no idea how the vaccines interact with natural immunity for this or other coronaviruses. You have no idea whether the government statistics are misleading. You have no idea whether the vaccines will select for more virulent strains. You have no idea.
You have no idea of the short-term or long-term effects. You have no idea how the vaccines interact with natural immunity for this or other coronaviruses. You have no idea whether the government statistics are misleading. You have no idea whether the vaccines will select for more virulent strains. You have no idea.
"Get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus they got vaccinated against because you're not vaccinated."
Vaccine Zombies lust to make everyone else a Zombie by sticking a needle into them.
I would take the Johnson shot if forced to choose.
The main reason is that it's single shot. Not only is that more convenient, but a single shot halves the risk of foul-ups in manufacture, storage, dosage and injection.
The Pfizer and Moderna shots are a more novel technology, mRNA, which is advised against by its inventor, and the Moderna shot is actually 3 times the volume of vaccine than the Pfizer shot.
Pfizer and Moderna are double shots. The first is a 'primer' and so there's a real risk of how the immune system reacts to a second shot. Eg Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) .
Pfizer is already asking to administer a 3rd booster shot ahead of the winter in Israel.
There is a chance that Johnson will also propose boosters, but that's less pronounced at the moment.
The Johnson vaccine has had a couple of bad manufacturing errors. I actually think that makes it less risky now.
The Johnson shot should definitely not be taken if there's a history of capillary problems, blood leaks.
"Get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus they got vaccinated against because you're not vaccinated."
Vaccine Zombies lust to make everyone else a Zombie by sticking a needle into them.
I would take the Johnson shot if forced to choose.
The main reason is that it's single shot. Not only is that more convenient, but a single shot halves the risk of foul-ups in manufacture, storage, dosage and injection.
The Pfizer and Moderna shots are a more novel technology, mRNA, which is advised against by its inventor, and the Moderna shot is actually 3 times the volume of vaccine than the Pfizer shot.
Pfizer and Moderna are double shots. The first is a 'primer' and so there's a real risk of how the immune system reacts to a second shot. Eg Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) .
Pfizer is already asking to administer a 3rd booster shot ahead of the winter in Israel.
There is a chance that Johnson will also propose boosters, but that's less pronounced at the moment.
The Johnson vaccine has had a couple of bad manufacturing errors. I actually think that makes it less risky now.
The Johnson shot should definitely not be taken if there's a history of capillary problems, blood leaks.
This pro-vaccine link has a comparison of the 3 shots.
I wrote "If two blokes want to call themselves husband and wife, I couldn't care less. If the media or the state stop speech saying otherwise, then that's a problem."
I wrote "If two blokes want to call themselves husband and wife, I couldn't care less. If the media or the state stop speech saying otherwise, then that's a problem."
The DT deleted that. QED.
Lockdown has been a catastrophe for the young, for public health, for business. The public sector payroll, not so much. But mass vaccination as a medical experiment threatens more mayhem, eg:
Lockdown has been a catastrophe for the young, for public health, for business. The public sector payroll, not so much. But mass vaccination as a medical experiment threatens more mayhem, eg:
"Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens"
These are imperfect vaccines. They don't prevent infection and run a real risk of evolving more dangerous variants. It's a gain of function experiment performed without informed consent. The wilfully obtuse politicians pushing this sorceror's apprentice type scheme need to become accountable.
"Get vaccinated so you don't get Covid and don't transmit Covid".
Yesterday the CDC released a report (story below) showing that both these statements are false - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9844761/CDC-FINALLY-releases-data-showing-vaccinated-people-viral-levels-Delta-variant.html
"Get vaccinated so you don't get Covid and don't transmit Covid".
Yesterday the CDC released a report (story below) showing that both these statements are false - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9844761/CDC-FINALLY-releases-data-showing-vaccinated-people-viral-levels-Delta-variant.html
The story is dressed up as a story about masks and the success of the vaccines in preventing serious illness:
"Of the five COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized, four were fully vaccinated of whom two had underlying conditions.
"Of the five COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized, four were fully vaccinated of whom two had underlying conditions.
No deaths were reported in either group.
This is evidence that the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J vaccines are highly effective against severe disease and death. "
Actually, if it's evidence of anything, it's evidence that the unvaccinated are less likely to be hospitalized.
Also: "469 cases had been identified, of which 74 percent - or 346 - were among fully vaccinated with at least 14 days since their final dose."
So, three quarters of the cases were vaccinated, but actually it's more than that because it excludes cases with only 1 shot so far and cases within 2 weeks of the final shot. That could be a big number since there's plenty of worldwide reports of a much higher incidence of Covid soon after vaccination. If that number is added to the "unvaccinated" column, then it doubles the distortion.
Crucially, the viral load (a proxy for infectiousness) of the vaccinated who catch Covid is as great as the viral load of the unvaccinated. (Actually there's another story that it may be greater, per unsourced NBC, but that's not stated here).
This is evidence that the vaccines are useless or worse than useless given the tiny risk from Covid unless you're obese or have a compromised immune system. The vaccines may in fact be selecting for worse variants to bypass any partial immunity they temporarily provide. Contrast natural immunity, which you have, which gives holistic protection for a longer period because your whole immune system was engaged, antibodies and t-cells.
Crucially, the viral load (a proxy for infectiousness) of the vaccinated who catch Covid is as great as the viral load of the unvaccinated. (Actually there's another story that it may be greater, per unsourced NBC, but that's not stated here).
This is evidence that the vaccines are useless or worse than useless given the tiny risk from Covid unless you're obese or have a compromised immune system. The vaccines may in fact be selecting for worse variants to bypass any partial immunity they temporarily provide. Contrast natural immunity, which you have, which gives holistic protection for a longer period because your whole immune system was engaged, antibodies and t-cells.
Therefore the unvaccinated allow the virus to follow the normal path of mutating to more infectiousness and lesser virulence, whereas the vaccinated may select for higher virulence thru eg antibody-dependent enhancement.
"The critical value of a vaccine to the UK Government (and others) is that it is a means to exit their disastrous lockdown policies without having to admit that the whole thing has been a medically unnecessary and stupendously damaging mistake. A vaccine is Botox for Boris. He will save face. He will roll out the vaccine, millions of healthy people will be protected from a virtually non-existent threat and from symptoms they were unlikely to suffer anyway and Boris will claim victory"
"The critical value of a vaccine to the UK Government (and others) is that it is a means to exit their disastrous lockdown policies without having to admit that the whole thing has been a medically unnecessary and stupendously damaging mistake. A vaccine is Botox for Boris. He will save face. He will roll out the vaccine, millions of healthy people will be protected from a virtually non-existent threat and from symptoms they were unlikely to suffer anyway and Boris will claim victory"
@James Smith
@James Smith
Ie natural immunity = much, much better protection than 'leaky' vaccines.
I'd add that 'leaky' vaccines promote variants to defeat the vaccines, whereas natural immunity both protects against re-infection much better and probably much longer, but also selects for variants which are more infectious and less virulent. If anyone is to be quarantined, it is the vaccinated. That is the science. The rest is spin and manipulated statistics.
Stop Press - Official: the vaccines do not appear to inhibit the spread of the globally dominant strain of CV19.
Stop Press - Official: the vaccines do not appear to inhibit the spread of the globally dominant strain of CV19.
"There are early signs that people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 may be able to transmit the Delta variant of the virus as easily as those who have not, scientists at Public Health England (PHE) said on Friday.
The findings chime with those from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which last week raised concerns that vaccinated people infected with Delta could, unlike with other variants, readily transmit it. read more
The highly infectious Delta variant has become the dominant coronavirus type globally"
'According to Sage, given our high vaccination rates, a vaccine-evading variant would be of most concern for the UK [and therefore Israel].
Worryingly, recent modelling published in Scientific Reports put Britain in the danger zone, warning the combination of high case rates and high vaccination rates is conducive for the emergence of a variant with “extreme resistance training”.
'Vaccine resistant strains spread faster when most people vaccinated'
“When most people are vaccinated, the vaccine resistant strain has an advantage over the original strain,” says Prof Fyodor Kondrashov, an expert in evolutionary genomics at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria and co-author of the report.
“When most people are vaccinated, the vaccine resistant strain has an advantage over the original strain,” says Prof Fyodor Kondrashov, an expert in evolutionary genomics at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria and co-author of the report.
“This means that the vaccine resistant strain spreads through the population faster than the original strain at a time when most people are vaccinated.”'
Translation: Mass vaccination with an imperfect vaccine may select for God Knows What.
Fauci and the SAGE 'experts' are the Doctor Strangeloves de nos jours.
1. Are you suffering financially due to Lockdown?
1. Are you suffering financially due to Lockdown?
2. What weight do you give to the costs of Lockdown on those who are?
3. What weight do you give to the medical and mental costs of Lockdown on children?
4. What weight do you give to loss of freedom and bodily autonomy?
5. What weight do you give to the impact on hunger in poor countries?
6. What are the long-term risks of experimental vaccines?
7. How will you ever open up if eradicating covid is a pre-requisite?
1. The Lockdowns are predicted catastrophes with grotesque harms ranging from child mental illness to coerced medical experiments to compromising everyone's immune system to higher taxes to police brutality and on and on. So blame the unvaccinated.
1. The Lockdowns are predicted catastrophes with grotesque harms ranging from child mental illness to coerced medical experiments to compromising everyone's immune system to higher taxes to police brutality and on and on. So blame the unvaccinated.
2.Abolish the NHS. Not only is it a tapeworm on the rest of society, but everyone has horror stories of infections and iatrogenic injuries. Typical is the the healthy older person who goes in after a fall and comes out in a coffin.
Just get the state out of healthcare altogether and make individual citizens responsible for their own and family's health. Maybe a safety net for children. Also a richer, more free society will generate more private charity, but hard cases make bad law. How heartless am I? But the truth is that aligning incentives with good outcomes is humane, whereas spending others' money on insatiable demand produces a giant tapeworm that feeds itself on us.
"Kwasi Kwarteng, the Energy Secretary, said Britain is secure because it does not import Russian gas."
"Kwasi Kwarteng, the Energy Secretary, said Britain is secure because it does not import Russian gas."
The Energy Secretary in that case is a moron about energy just as Matt Hancock was a moron about health and Johnson is a moron about "Climate Change". It's a government of all the morons.
Sorry for the repetition, but I think it matters:
Nuremberg Code, article 1:
"1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity."
Repeat after me: "It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity."
Is there anyone with the effrontery to claim that this isn't coercion and these are not experiments?
Moore fails to explain why war in 1938 over majority German Sudetenland and against public opinion was in Britain's interest or capacity. In September 1939 the British and the French public had seen Kristalnacht, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, the invasion of Poland and our military was more capable.
It was Chamberlain who declared war in far more realistic circumstances. I suspect that had he declared war in 1938 it may have led to an early surrender by Britain to Hitler given the lack of public and political support to endure a war to the death.
Moore fails to explain why war in 1938 over majority German Sudetenland and against public opinion was in Britain's interest or capacity. In September 1939 the British and the French public had seen Kristalnacht, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, the invasion of Poland and our military was more capable.
It was Chamberlain who declared war in far more realistic circumstances. I suspect that had he declared war in 1938 it may have led to an early surrender by Britain to Hitler given the lack of public and political support to endure a war to the death.
My hindsight tells me that Chamberlain played a weak hand masterfully.
If the goal is protection of the elderly, then preference should be given to carers with natural immunity over the merely vaccinated. But that isn't the goal, is it? The goal is to construct a narrative that seems to justify the catastrophe of Lockdowns.
There are about 150 Conservative lords, ladies and MPs in this government.
If the goal is protection of the elderly, then preference should be given to carers with natural immunity over the merely vaccinated. But that isn't the goal, is it? The goal is to construct a narrative that seems to justify the catastrophe of Lockdowns.
There are about 150 Conservative lords, ladies and MPs in this government.
Johnson has just reneged on his central manifesto commitment on tax. Not one has resigned from the payroll.
Johnson says 12 year olds can be vaccinated against parental decision. Not one has resigned from the payroll.
This is a party without honour.
official advice remains that only a fever, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste warrant a PCR test.
“instead of souls we have neuroses, instead of sacraments we have shows.” Norman O. Brown
Dominic Cavendish's piece on Olivier's Othello (no comments allowed) states:
Dominic Cavendish's piece on Olivier's Othello (no comments allowed) states:
"Laurence Olivier’s blackface Othello is shameful" and "No one in their right mind would propose a white actor blacking up as a valid approach to the role now".
I saw the original production and the film. Olivier is magnificent, but a hell of ham as well. I prefer my Shakespeare less declamatory. That said the idea that only blacks can play Othello (or only whites can play Hamlet, or only boys can play Juliet) is ridiculous. Blacks are black and Othello's blackness is of the essence. Hence black make-up, duh.
Kamala Harris in charge of the border, Pete Buttigieg in charge of transport, Joe Biden in charge of nukes. The word is kakistocracy.
What can we make of Gates’s passing statement: “We need a new way of doing vaccines”?
The problem of malware was dubbed viruses. It was a metaphor. Not real. It’s not clear that Gates ever really understood that. Computer viruses aren’t anything like biological viruses. To maintain a clean and functioning hard drive, you want to avoid and block a computer virus at all costs. Any exposure is bad exposure. The fix is always avoidance until eradication.
Kamala Harris in charge of the border, Pete Buttigieg in charge of transport, Joe Biden in charge of nukes. The word is kakistocracy.
What can we make of Gates’s passing statement: “We need a new way of doing vaccines”?
The problem of malware was dubbed viruses. It was a metaphor. Not real. It’s not clear that Gates ever really understood that. Computer viruses aren’t anything like biological viruses. To maintain a clean and functioning hard drive, you want to avoid and block a computer virus at all costs. Any exposure is bad exposure. The fix is always avoidance until eradication.
With biological viruses, we have evolved to confront them through exposure and let our immune system develop to take them on. A body that blocks all pathogens without immunity is a weak one that will die at the first exposure, which will certainly come at some point in a modern society. An immune system that confronts most viruses and recovers grows stronger. That’s a gigantic difference that Gates never understtod.
this is pure projection: those who are incapable of assessing political or legal conflicts through a prism of principles rather than personalities assume that everyone is plagued by the same deficiency. Since they decide whether to support or oppose the FBI's actions toward O'Keefe based on their personal view of O'Keefe rather than through reference to any principles, they assume that this is how everyone is determining their views of that situation. Similarly, since they base their views on whether Rittenhouse should be convicted or acquitted based on how they personally feel about Rittenhouse and his perceived politics rather than the evidence presented at the trial (which most of them have not watched), they assume that anyone advocating for an acquittal can be doing so only because they like Rittenhouse's politics and believe that his actions were heroic.
this is pure projection: those who are incapable of assessing political or legal conflicts through a prism of principles rather than personalities assume that everyone is plagued by the same deficiency. Since they decide whether to support or oppose the FBI's actions toward O'Keefe based on their personal view of O'Keefe rather than through reference to any principles, they assume that this is how everyone is determining their views of that situation. Similarly, since they base their views on whether Rittenhouse should be convicted or acquitted based on how they personally feel about Rittenhouse and his perceived politics rather than the evidence presented at the trial (which most of them have not watched), they assume that anyone advocating for an acquittal can be doing so only because they like Rittenhouse's politics and believe that his actions were heroic.
In sum, those who view the world through a prism bereft of principles — either due to lack of intellectual capacity or ethics or both — assume everyone's world view is similarly craven. It is this same stunted mindset that saddles our discourse with so much illogic and so many twisted presumptions, such as the inability to distinguish between defending someone's right to express a particular opinion and agreement with that opinion. In a world in which ideology, partisan loyalty, tribal affiliations, in-group identity and personality-driven assessments predominate, there is no room for principles, universally applicable rights, or basic reason.
Glenn greenwald https://www.zerohedge.com/political/kyle-rittenhouse-project-veritas-and-inability-think-terms-principles
"Britain is plagued by organisations that hate their most loyal supporters."
For 'supporters' read 'readers' and you have the Telegraph
Johnson must go, but who then? Raab's disgraced himself over Afghanistan. Gove's a Lockdown fascist except when he wants to attend a football match. Sunak thinks a global minimum corporation tax is progress. They're all in a cabinet that endorses medical experiments on children without even parental consent.
They should give Farage a seat and make him PM. Imagine that, a conservative to lead the Conservatives. Graham Brady, your country needs you to be forthright.
Michael Gove – perhaps the most control-obsessed of them all in Cabinet – said in 2009 as he campaigned against Tony Blair introducing ID cards: 'The general rule over human history is that once powers are yielded to the state at moments of crisis or emergency, it's never the case – or very very, rarely the case – that the state hands them back.'
Glenn greenwald https://www.zerohedge.com/political/kyle-rittenhouse-project-veritas-and-inability-think-terms-principles
"Britain is plagued by organisations that hate their most loyal supporters."
For 'supporters' read 'readers' and you have the Telegraph
Johnson must go, but who then? Raab's disgraced himself over Afghanistan. Gove's a Lockdown fascist except when he wants to attend a football match. Sunak thinks a global minimum corporation tax is progress. They're all in a cabinet that endorses medical experiments on children without even parental consent.
They should give Farage a seat and make him PM. Imagine that, a conservative to lead the Conservatives. Graham Brady, your country needs you to be forthright.
Michael Gove – perhaps the most control-obsessed of them all in Cabinet – said in 2009 as he campaigned against Tony Blair introducing ID cards: 'The general rule over human history is that once powers are yielded to the state at moments of crisis or emergency, it's never the case – or very very, rarely the case – that the state hands them back.'
A vaccine confers immunity, eg per the CDC definition until 5 minutes ago: “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.”
"We know they're lying, they know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us.."
Shabir Madhi, a professor of Vaccinology at the University of the Witwatersrand said the likely explanation of the low death rate was that 73 percent the region's population was either vaccinated or previously infected, giving T-cell immunity. The majority of those hospitalised with severe Covid, he said, are vaccinated.
Tom, Myocarditis (heart inflammation) is a 'rare' side effect of the vaccines which especially hits young men according to the government. Maybe take that into account before doing hard exercise straight after a jab.
The mass psychosis of Lockdowns, masks and jabs gives meaning to a people with free-floating anxiety. The more absurd the thing you're told to believe, the better to re-inforce the cult and sense of belonging. Cf Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University: https://youtu.be/CRo-ieBEw-8
DT "..there are now 36 managers at NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups who earn £250,000 or more."
DT "Covid lockdowns plunged nearly a million people into poverty."
DT "Boris Johnson announced a National Insurance increase from April to fund a £36 billion boost for the NHS."
Dear Mr Sunak,
Tom, Myocarditis (heart inflammation) is a 'rare' side effect of the vaccines which especially hits young men according to the government. Maybe take that into account before doing hard exercise straight after a jab.
The mass psychosis of Lockdowns, masks and jabs gives meaning to a people with free-floating anxiety. The more absurd the thing you're told to believe, the better to re-inforce the cult and sense of belonging. Cf Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University: https://youtu.be/CRo-ieBEw-8
DT "..there are now 36 managers at NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups who earn £250,000 or more."
DT "Covid lockdowns plunged nearly a million people into poverty."
DT "Boris Johnson announced a National Insurance increase from April to fund a £36 billion boost for the NHS."
Dear Mr Sunak,
Here are 3 sentences from the news section of today's Daily Telegraph:
DT: "..there are now 36 managers at NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups who earn £250,000 or more."
DT: "Covid lockdowns plunged nearly a million people into poverty."
DT: "Boris Johnson announced a National Insurance increase from April to fund a £36 billion boost for the NHS."
DT: "Covid lockdowns plunged nearly a million people into poverty."
DT: "Boris Johnson announced a National Insurance increase from April to fund a £36 billion boost for the NHS."
(The latter of course was a straight breach of your manifesto promise).
What say you? I'd appreciate an honest reaction, we're past the point of platitudes.
Happy New Year
1. Trump did a superb job as President. Look at Energy, Economy, National Security.
2. Trump defended Israel, smashed ISIS and intimidated Iran.
3. Trump spoke to Russia and China in the realpolitik language they understand. You have interests, we have interests.
4. Trump exposed the 'centre-right' for what it is - fellow traveller to the left-left.
5. Trump won in 2016 and 2020 by retaining his base and bringing on board blacks and latinos. 'Suburban whites', aka north Virginian swamp dwellers, are a bug, not a feature.
What you describe is all applicable to us. Males are mostly redundant, just collect the 'best' sperm and sprinkle it about on the best eggs. Accidental male infants can be fattened, oohed over in narrow cages, deprived of iron to keep their flesh white, then humanely slaughtered to titillate the taste buds of the elect. Females can be fed with treats, get their tits washed by robots and granted a facsimile of motherhood for a few days or weeks.
Look, Conservative Women, if you're ok with treating other animals like sentimental objects with pound signs in front of their souls, then that is your destiny too.
"Capitol riot: Where are Donald Trump's QAnon followers one year on?"
No comments allowed.
This piece by Nick Allen is naked propaganda. I see a wide range of American conservative media, but never see 'QAnon' referenced other than by the Left or Left fellow-travellers like this esteemed organ, the DT. It is insuferable that the DT poses as a guardian of free speech yet dares not expose much of its anti-Trumpery or Jabophilia to readers' comments.
I have played thousands of recreational games of football over many years. In the last 4 weeks in my games a fit 57 year old man had cardiac arrest during a game and died in hospital that night and on Tuesday a 20 something fit young man had heartburn on the pitch. It's the first time, he told me. I've never seen this before. I'm too tactful to ask about their vaccine status. Correlation/causation and all that, but it's sure as hell a strong safety signal.
The Lockdown was never justified. It went against all previous planning without so much as a cost-benefit analysis. The Great Barrington Declaration could not have been more authoritative, but the convergent opportunists of big government, big science and big pharma had tasted blood.
Dear Dr. James,
I've listened to your podcast with Freddie Sayers and feel moved to thank you for your courage, clarity and calm presentational skills. As I know you know, whatever happens to your career now, you have the treasure of your personal integrity and the respect of honourable people. Should I ever need medical help, I will go out of my way to seek a consultation with you. Feel free to add me to a mailing list if you have one.
Anyway, thank you.
1. Trump did a superb job as President. Look at Energy, Economy, National Security.
2. Trump defended Israel, smashed ISIS and intimidated Iran.
3. Trump spoke to Russia and China in the realpolitik language they understand. You have interests, we have interests.
4. Trump exposed the 'centre-right' for what it is - fellow traveller to the left-left.
5. Trump won in 2016 and 2020 by retaining his base and bringing on board blacks and latinos. 'Suburban whites', aka north Virginian swamp dwellers, are a bug, not a feature.
What you describe is all applicable to us. Males are mostly redundant, just collect the 'best' sperm and sprinkle it about on the best eggs. Accidental male infants can be fattened, oohed over in narrow cages, deprived of iron to keep their flesh white, then humanely slaughtered to titillate the taste buds of the elect. Females can be fed with treats, get their tits washed by robots and granted a facsimile of motherhood for a few days or weeks.
Look, Conservative Women, if you're ok with treating other animals like sentimental objects with pound signs in front of their souls, then that is your destiny too.
"Capitol riot: Where are Donald Trump's QAnon followers one year on?"
No comments allowed.
This piece by Nick Allen is naked propaganda. I see a wide range of American conservative media, but never see 'QAnon' referenced other than by the Left or Left fellow-travellers like this esteemed organ, the DT. It is insuferable that the DT poses as a guardian of free speech yet dares not expose much of its anti-Trumpery or Jabophilia to readers' comments.
I have played thousands of recreational games of football over many years. In the last 4 weeks in my games a fit 57 year old man had cardiac arrest during a game and died in hospital that night and on Tuesday a 20 something fit young man had heartburn on the pitch. It's the first time, he told me. I've never seen this before. I'm too tactful to ask about their vaccine status. Correlation/causation and all that, but it's sure as hell a strong safety signal.
The Lockdown was never justified. It went against all previous planning without so much as a cost-benefit analysis. The Great Barrington Declaration could not have been more authoritative, but the convergent opportunists of big government, big science and big pharma had tasted blood.
Dear Dr. James,
I've listened to your podcast with Freddie Sayers and feel moved to thank you for your courage, clarity and calm presentational skills. As I know you know, whatever happens to your career now, you have the treasure of your personal integrity and the respect of honourable people. Should I ever need medical help, I will go out of my way to seek a consultation with you. Feel free to add me to a mailing list if you have one.
Anyway, thank you.
Mark Adams
Just what would it take for the DT to tell Boris to just go? Something unthinkable like medical experiments on children without parental consent maybe?
Oh, wait...
2 more famous footballers with heart problems - Aubamayeng (Arsenal) and Alphonso Davies (Bayern). These are super-fit young men, but one of my own co-players, a fit 57 year old, had heart distress during a game 4 weeks ago and died in hospital that night. Last week I witnessed a 16 year old with 'heartburn' in a game. I've played thousands of games over more than 60 years and never seen this before.
Those trying to force Djokovic or anyone to take this risk are a menace to society.
It doesn't promote trust when the government goes to court to hide basic information like its own data on child deaths following covid vaccination because "it not confident that if the ONS released the available data the recipients would interpret it correctly – a statement the plaintiffs found patronising."
Allison, as you bravely protested, 'the vaccine programme' was/is horribly coercive, in breach of the Nuremburg Code, and worst of all involves medical experiments on children even absent parental consent.
The British Medical Journal: “Pharmaceutical companies are reaping vast profits without adequate independent scrutiny of their scientific claims. The purpose of regulators is not to dance to the tune of rich global corporations and enrich them further; it is to protect the health of their populations. We need complete data transparency for all studies, we need it in the public interest, and we need it now.”
"Big pharma is the least trusted industry. At least three of the many companies making covid-19 vaccines have past criminal and civil settlements costing them billions of dollars. One pleaded guilty to fraud. Other companies have no pre-covid track record. Now the covid pandemic has minted many new pharma billionaires, and vaccine manufacturers have reported tens of billions in revenue
“This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.”
There is no scientific basis for the sackings. It is disgusting CYA politics to buttress the myth of the "vaccines" as saviour .
Cut public sector pay and perks and pensions and job security to the same as the private sector which pays the bills. The public sector has been insulated from catastrophe of Lockdowns while the rest of us endured economic calamity yet still were forced to fund their peloton and garden party lifestyle.
Johnson did this. Johnson did Lockdowns. Johnson did vaccine mandates. Johnson did jabs for children without parental consent.
"Meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain"
Boris, Biden, Trudeau, Ardern, Morrison, Krankie, Drakeford - the bumbling tyrants running the Anglosphere, sinister clowns all. We need a written constitution enshrining freedom of speech and the Nuremberg Code. The US shows that government will still tyrannize, but the written word is a sword with which to fight back and a measure by which History will judge.
You are far too kind. From the beginning I and many others argued in comments in these pages that Lockdown was a manmade catastrophe committed without so much as a cost/benefit analysis. Moreover both the code and the method of the Imperial models were debunked almost right from the off. Then the methods descended into downright tyranny with the vaccines bigged up into a government induced elixir. All the while billions of our money were spaffed up against the wall while the holy NHS imploded. Had the Blob been remotely competent the tyranny would have been worse yet. Too bad the media sold its soul to Gates and HMG's advertising
It’s just scandal on top of scandal, isn’t it? ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive’
I must add that all the advocated toxicity tests in other animals than humans disgust me equally. These are not objects to be vivisected and killed any more than other humans are. I know all the standard hoots against compassion, so spare me. They all boil down to ‘might is right’, in which case you and yours would make better subjects scientifically speaking.
Remember: Experimental gene therapy for children in blatant breach of the Nuremberg Code and absent parental consent.
The medical establishment and UK Cabinet that collaborated with this atrocity should be disbarred.
Since this is experimental gene therapy with little or no understanding of long-term risks and since children are at zero risk from covid, obviously the "vaccine" vampires are especially keen to stick it to them. The less the logic, the greater the submission.
vaclav51 Mark Adams • 4 hours ago
OK. Direct explanation. The UK, as one of the leading nations of the world, with France another leading country, felt a moral responsibility to try to defuse the situation since Germany had already left the League of Nations, the collective nations' organization of the time. Czechoslovakia, a small country, was willing to fight the Germans if they had major country support. This major country support didn't necessarily mean they will go to war, but just the threat they may do so would have had a deep effect. As it was, the risk averse UK and French leaders let Hitler have what he wanted on Hitler's promise he will make no further demands from neighboring countries.
Just what would it take for the DT to tell Boris to just go? Something unthinkable like medical experiments on children without parental consent maybe?
Oh, wait...
2 more famous footballers with heart problems - Aubamayeng (Arsenal) and Alphonso Davies (Bayern). These are super-fit young men, but one of my own co-players, a fit 57 year old, had heart distress during a game 4 weeks ago and died in hospital that night. Last week I witnessed a 16 year old with 'heartburn' in a game. I've played thousands of games over more than 60 years and never seen this before.
Those trying to force Djokovic or anyone to take this risk are a menace to society.
It doesn't promote trust when the government goes to court to hide basic information like its own data on child deaths following covid vaccination because "it not confident that if the ONS released the available data the recipients would interpret it correctly – a statement the plaintiffs found patronising."
Allison, as you bravely protested, 'the vaccine programme' was/is horribly coercive, in breach of the Nuremburg Code, and worst of all involves medical experiments on children even absent parental consent.
The British Medical Journal: “Pharmaceutical companies are reaping vast profits without adequate independent scrutiny of their scientific claims. The purpose of regulators is not to dance to the tune of rich global corporations and enrich them further; it is to protect the health of their populations. We need complete data transparency for all studies, we need it in the public interest, and we need it now.”
"Big pharma is the least trusted industry. At least three of the many companies making covid-19 vaccines have past criminal and civil settlements costing them billions of dollars. One pleaded guilty to fraud. Other companies have no pre-covid track record. Now the covid pandemic has minted many new pharma billionaires, and vaccine manufacturers have reported tens of billions in revenue
“This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.”
There is no scientific basis for the sackings. It is disgusting CYA politics to buttress the myth of the "vaccines" as saviour .
Cut public sector pay and perks and pensions and job security to the same as the private sector which pays the bills. The public sector has been insulated from catastrophe of Lockdowns while the rest of us endured economic calamity yet still were forced to fund their peloton and garden party lifestyle.
Johnson did this. Johnson did Lockdowns. Johnson did vaccine mandates. Johnson did jabs for children without parental consent.
"Meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain"
Boris, Biden, Trudeau, Ardern, Morrison, Krankie, Drakeford - the bumbling tyrants running the Anglosphere, sinister clowns all. We need a written constitution enshrining freedom of speech and the Nuremberg Code. The US shows that government will still tyrannize, but the written word is a sword with which to fight back and a measure by which History will judge.
You are far too kind. From the beginning I and many others argued in comments in these pages that Lockdown was a manmade catastrophe committed without so much as a cost/benefit analysis. Moreover both the code and the method of the Imperial models were debunked almost right from the off. Then the methods descended into downright tyranny with the vaccines bigged up into a government induced elixir. All the while billions of our money were spaffed up against the wall while the holy NHS imploded. Had the Blob been remotely competent the tyranny would have been worse yet. Too bad the media sold its soul to Gates and HMG's advertising
It’s just scandal on top of scandal, isn’t it? ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive’
I must add that all the advocated toxicity tests in other animals than humans disgust me equally. These are not objects to be vivisected and killed any more than other humans are. I know all the standard hoots against compassion, so spare me. They all boil down to ‘might is right’, in which case you and yours would make better subjects scientifically speaking.
Remember: Experimental gene therapy for children in blatant breach of the Nuremberg Code and absent parental consent.
The medical establishment and UK Cabinet that collaborated with this atrocity should be disbarred.
Since this is experimental gene therapy with little or no understanding of long-term risks and since children are at zero risk from covid, obviously the "vaccine" vampires are especially keen to stick it to them. The less the logic, the greater the submission.
vaclav51 Mark Adams • 4 hours ago
OK. Direct explanation. The UK, as one of the leading nations of the world, with France another leading country, felt a moral responsibility to try to defuse the situation since Germany had already left the League of Nations, the collective nations' organization of the time. Czechoslovakia, a small country, was willing to fight the Germans if they had major country support. This major country support didn't necessarily mean they will go to war, but just the threat they may do so would have had a deep effect. As it was, the risk averse UK and French leaders let Hitler have what he wanted on Hitler's promise he will make no further demands from neighboring countries.
Mark Adams vaclav51 • 14 minutes ago • edited
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Power Line.
'major country support' is a nice euphemism for re-engaging in total war 19 years after the appalling error of World War 1. The British people were naturally unwilling so to do in 1938, when the casus belli was an ethnically German enclave across a recently re-drawn border. It is bloody impressive that they were ready to go back to war in 1939, led by Chamberlain. The UK itself was not at risk of invasion, but Prague, Anschluss, Kristallnacht, and the invasion of Poland had happened. Meanwhile the UK had mentally and physically re-armed (unlike America).
I do not blame the American people for abstaining then, but I do disrespect the a-historical moralizing of those who disrespect Chamberlain. That man and his citizenry chose peace in 1938 and chose war in 1939.
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Power Line.
'major country support' is a nice euphemism for re-engaging in total war 19 years after the appalling error of World War 1. The British people were naturally unwilling so to do in 1938, when the casus belli was an ethnically German enclave across a recently re-drawn border. It is bloody impressive that they were ready to go back to war in 1939, led by Chamberlain. The UK itself was not at risk of invasion, but Prague, Anschluss, Kristallnacht, and the invasion of Poland had happened. Meanwhile the UK had mentally and physically re-armed (unlike America).
I do not blame the American people for abstaining then, but I do disrespect the a-historical moralizing of those who disrespect Chamberlain. That man and his citizenry chose peace in 1938 and chose war in 1939.
lFair comment on Starmer. Remember his record. Also remember this:
"Mr Nawaz wrote online: “What we do know already, backed up by much academic research, is that MASS-VACCINATION DURING A PANDEMIC, with a jab that has not been studied for long-term side effects, could be doing more harm than good.”
Mr Dale responded: “Enough.
“What we do know already is that it’s dangerously irresponsible to tweet this kind of deranged rubbish.
“What it is designed to do is to sow seeds of doubt in people’s minds. What is more dangerous is not to have the jabs. Given you’ve had them, why do you tweet this garbage?”
Mr Nawaz, who is vaccinated but has said he will not get the booster, wrote “Thuglife” in response to Mr Dale calling him dangerous.
He further said that those who condemned him were “unable to respond to any of the substance or points raised”."
Nawaz was promptly fired by LBC for a comment which is pure scientific orthodoxy in contrast to Dale's hysterics.
"Mr Nawaz wrote online: “What we do know already, backed up by much academic research, is that MASS-VACCINATION DURING A PANDEMIC, with a jab that has not been studied for long-term side effects, could be doing more harm than good.”
Mr Dale responded: “Enough.
“What we do know already is that it’s dangerously irresponsible to tweet this kind of deranged rubbish.
“What it is designed to do is to sow seeds of doubt in people’s minds. What is more dangerous is not to have the jabs. Given you’ve had them, why do you tweet this garbage?”
Mr Nawaz, who is vaccinated but has said he will not get the booster, wrote “Thuglife” in response to Mr Dale calling him dangerous.
He further said that those who condemned him were “unable to respond to any of the substance or points raised”."
Nawaz was promptly fired by LBC for a comment which is pure scientific orthodoxy in contrast to Dale's hysterics.
Ukraine is a big deal, but China will be thinking "This is our window to ramp things up around Taiwan and see how Biden reacts."
Kamala in Munich, rainbow flags in Kabul, transgender admirals, a transportation supremo whose first act is months of parental leave with his 'husband', a Chief of Staff who is into Critical Race Theory...all these project something, but that something isn't mentioned by Sun Tzu in 'The Art of War'.
Biden is senile and could stumble into World War 3. This shouldnt be partisan, it's too dangerous. Congress should be calling for the 25th Amendment right now. Harris is a dope, but there's a chance that she can be reasoned with. Biden is on another planet.
Kamala in Munich, rainbow flags in Kabul, transgender admirals, a transportation supremo whose first act is months of parental leave with his 'husband', a Chief of Staff who is into Critical Race Theory...all these project something, but that something isn't mentioned by Sun Tzu in 'The Art of War'.
Biden is senile and could stumble into World War 3. This shouldnt be partisan, it's too dangerous. Congress should be calling for the 25th Amendment right now. Harris is a dope, but there's a chance that she can be reasoned with. Biden is on another planet.
"It is a good 20 years since I last drove all the way to Scotland, and in the interim something unbelievable has been done – in our name – to our green, pleasant and precious countryside.
"I mean the windmills, the turbines – whatever they are called. I mean the things that look like some hideous Venusian invasion, marching over the moors and destroying the dales; the colossal seaside toys plonked erratically across our ancient landscape; the endless parade of waving white-armed old lunatics, gesticulating feebly at each other across the fields and the glens.
"They seemed to be everywhere, and I asked myself, when were we consulted? Was there a referendum? Did someone ever warn the British people that these moaning seagull slicers were going to be erected on some of the most sensational scenery that God ever called into being?
"The answer is that no one warned us, because no one really took the decision to do it. It just sort of happened. We have contracted these mills like a disease, because of our pathetic apology for an energy policy.....
"....we must stop pussyfooting around and get fracking. Even if we have hundreds of fracking pads, they are nothing like as ugly as windmills — and they can be dismantled as soon as the gas is extracted.
"Do we want to go on buying our gas from the Russians, ensuring that our economic windpipe is forever beneath the thumbs of that nice Mr Putin?"
Boris Johnson, 2013.
His plan is Keir Starmer. I'll believe a new Right party when Farage, Fox and the rest of the perpetually splintering Right cohere. Farage is obviously the guy with the record of achievement, the requisite thick skin and the self-control. Frost and Fox should join him in The Real Conservative Party, 'The Reals' for short.
“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” ts eliot
"I mean the windmills, the turbines – whatever they are called. I mean the things that look like some hideous Venusian invasion, marching over the moors and destroying the dales; the colossal seaside toys plonked erratically across our ancient landscape; the endless parade of waving white-armed old lunatics, gesticulating feebly at each other across the fields and the glens.
"They seemed to be everywhere, and I asked myself, when were we consulted? Was there a referendum? Did someone ever warn the British people that these moaning seagull slicers were going to be erected on some of the most sensational scenery that God ever called into being?
"The answer is that no one warned us, because no one really took the decision to do it. It just sort of happened. We have contracted these mills like a disease, because of our pathetic apology for an energy policy.....
"....we must stop pussyfooting around and get fracking. Even if we have hundreds of fracking pads, they are nothing like as ugly as windmills — and they can be dismantled as soon as the gas is extracted.
"Do we want to go on buying our gas from the Russians, ensuring that our economic windpipe is forever beneath the thumbs of that nice Mr Putin?"
Boris Johnson, 2013.
His plan is Keir Starmer. I'll believe a new Right party when Farage, Fox and the rest of the perpetually splintering Right cohere. Farage is obviously the guy with the record of achievement, the requisite thick skin and the self-control. Frost and Fox should join him in The Real Conservative Party, 'The Reals' for short.
“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” ts eliot
BBF, that is not the issue here. Ofsted's assertions are based on the current regime and seem to be motivated by culture war issues rather than the facts if Mr Moore's account is true - eg the police report at variance with the Ofsted assertion.
Is Ofsted so concerned with the perverted sexualisation of children under the guise of 'sex education'? Are children being 'safeguarded' against the induced mental illness of gender dysphoria? Maybe Ampleforth doesn't subscribe to that religion and that's Ofsted's problem with the school.
I see no evidence that Sunak is other than corporate man slding effortlessly up the pole. Where's the leadership? Did he fight Net Zero, the Lockdowns, medical experiments on children, breaking the manifesto on tax, Stonewall infesting the Blob, diversity fascism....? Contrast Frost.
I'm surprised that an economically literate chap like Mr Halligan is so naive. Comparing gasoline or diesel retail prices to crude oil makes no sense over the short run. Compare them as laggingly linked to regional spot prices for that grade of fuel. I can testify that there is zero spoken or unspoken collusion on price between oil majors. Apart from the criminality, the reputational risk is phenomenal and a thousand times more costly than any ephemeral gain. Of course retailers look at the local competition and you may see convergence or undercutting, but that's the same throughout business.
In this specific case Mr Halligan is attempting to correlate a spike in Brent crude to $139/barrel which lasted about 2 minutes, then dropped hard, to the price of petrol that he sees at the pump. That's absurd and he should know better. For sure he and politicians won't comment on the reverse scenario. There are many factors that go into oil product prices other than the raw material, eg refinery shutdowns, inter-regional arbitrage, crude type, product slate optimisation, seasonal grade changes....Keep it simple just use the Rotterdam spot price for mogas.
BBF, that is not the issue here. Ofsted's assertions are based on the current regime and seem to be motivated by culture war issues rather than the facts if Mr Moore's account is true - eg the police report at variance with the Ofsted assertion.
Is Ofsted so concerned with the perverted sexualisation of children under the guise of 'sex education'? Are children being 'safeguarded' against the induced mental illness of gender dysphoria? Maybe Ampleforth doesn't subscribe to that religion and that's Ofsted's problem with the school.
I see no evidence that Sunak is other than corporate man slding effortlessly up the pole. Where's the leadership? Did he fight Net Zero, the Lockdowns, medical experiments on children, breaking the manifesto on tax, Stonewall infesting the Blob, diversity fascism....? Contrast Frost.
I'm surprised that an economically literate chap like Mr Halligan is so naive. Comparing gasoline or diesel retail prices to crude oil makes no sense over the short run. Compare them as laggingly linked to regional spot prices for that grade of fuel. I can testify that there is zero spoken or unspoken collusion on price between oil majors. Apart from the criminality, the reputational risk is phenomenal and a thousand times more costly than any ephemeral gain. Of course retailers look at the local competition and you may see convergence or undercutting, but that's the same throughout business.
In this specific case Mr Halligan is attempting to correlate a spike in Brent crude to $139/barrel which lasted about 2 minutes, then dropped hard, to the price of petrol that he sees at the pump. That's absurd and he should know better. For sure he and politicians won't comment on the reverse scenario. There are many factors that go into oil product prices other than the raw material, eg refinery shutdowns, inter-regional arbitrage, crude type, product slate optimisation, seasonal grade changes....Keep it simple just use the Rotterdam spot price for mogas.
Get Stonewall out of government and get government out of people's private lives and family concerns.
Tim Stratford
There is still a majority in this country who think a non-heterosexual existence is abnormal or sinful and that anyone suffering from the condition should not display their practices in public...
The above is a fact... Where do we go from there?
There is still a majority in this country who think a non-heterosexual existence is abnormal or sinful and that anyone suffering from the condition should not display their practices in public...
The above is a fact... Where do we go from there?
Mark Adams
Reply to Tim Stratford
Message Actions
Well it is abnormal; presumably that's what the 'Q' signifies. And you're right that the majority don't want their adult noses rubbed in it, let alone their children's minds. But the real problem is that the LGBT activists are fascists who want to censor, prohibit and criminalise speech that deviates from Queer orthodoxy while reserving the right to indoctrinate other people's children with their creepy values. Other than that I don't care what consenting adults do in their private lives.
In March 2020, around the oil price low, Trump proposed to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve by buying 77 million barrels.
"The Trump administration's plan to top off the Strategic Petroleum Reserve ran into a blockade after lawmakers excluded $3 billion in funding for oil purchases from the massive stimulus package before Congress.
Senate Democrats took credit for stripping out that money from the Senate bill, unveiled Wednesday, calling it a “bailout” for the oil industry."
Mark Adams
Message Actions
These were the 4 questions in Hungary's 'LGBT referendum' which 'Critics say the law, passed last year, was discriminatory, contravened European values and equates homosexuality with paedophilia.'
The referendum on 3 April will include four questions, proposed by Hungary's ruling party, Fidesz:
• Do you support the teaching of sexual orientation to underage children in public education institutions without parental consent?
• Do you support the promotion of sex reassignment therapy for underage children?
• Do you support the unrestricted exposure of underage children to sexually explicit media content that may affect their development?
• Do you support the showing of sex-change media content to minors?
There was a fifth question, but this was not certified by the court:
• Do you support the availability of sex-change treatments for minors?
We need this in the UK. EDITED
Reply to Tim Stratford
Message Actions
Well it is abnormal; presumably that's what the 'Q' signifies. And you're right that the majority don't want their adult noses rubbed in it, let alone their children's minds. But the real problem is that the LGBT activists are fascists who want to censor, prohibit and criminalise speech that deviates from Queer orthodoxy while reserving the right to indoctrinate other people's children with their creepy values. Other than that I don't care what consenting adults do in their private lives.
In March 2020, around the oil price low, Trump proposed to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve by buying 77 million barrels.
"The Trump administration's plan to top off the Strategic Petroleum Reserve ran into a blockade after lawmakers excluded $3 billion in funding for oil purchases from the massive stimulus package before Congress.
Senate Democrats took credit for stripping out that money from the Senate bill, unveiled Wednesday, calling it a “bailout” for the oil industry."
Mark Adams
Message Actions
These were the 4 questions in Hungary's 'LGBT referendum' which 'Critics say the law, passed last year, was discriminatory, contravened European values and equates homosexuality with paedophilia.'
The referendum on 3 April will include four questions, proposed by Hungary's ruling party, Fidesz:
• Do you support the teaching of sexual orientation to underage children in public education institutions without parental consent?
• Do you support the promotion of sex reassignment therapy for underage children?
• Do you support the unrestricted exposure of underage children to sexually explicit media content that may affect their development?
• Do you support the showing of sex-change media content to minors?
There was a fifth question, but this was not certified by the court:
• Do you support the availability of sex-change treatments for minors?
We need this in the UK. EDITED
Nick Zealand
Reply to Mark Adams
and actually it is discriminatory. It marks the return to the days where teenagers who are homosexuals were completely isolated, and had no one to turn to. In reality a recipe to the return of more suicides.
Reply to Mark Adams
and actually it is discriminatory. It marks the return to the days where teenagers who are homosexuals were completely isolated, and had no one to turn to. In reality a recipe to the return of more suicides.
Mark Adams
Reply to Nick Zealand
Message Actions
It's aimed at LGBT propaganda without parental consent, especially against the nightmare of children being steered to sex-change drugs and obscene surgeries which do indeed lead to high rates of suicide. Anyone who did that to my child would have hell to pay or worse. What's wrong with you?
NNick Zealand
Reply to Mark Adams - view message
What you call "propaganda" has without doubt rescued the lives of many vulnerable and completely isolated teenager, who lived in constant fear. Those are the times Orban wants back. Times of many suicides among young people.
I am also against sex-change drugs for minors and all that. But you must understand that Orban goes much further than that - he aims to prevent teenagers who are homosexuals to get any information or advice. And he creates an environment of fear.
Reply to Nick Zealand
Message Actions
It's aimed at LGBT propaganda without parental consent, especially against the nightmare of children being steered to sex-change drugs and obscene surgeries which do indeed lead to high rates of suicide. Anyone who did that to my child would have hell to pay or worse. What's wrong with you?
NNick Zealand
Reply to Mark Adams - view message
What you call "propaganda" has without doubt rescued the lives of many vulnerable and completely isolated teenager, who lived in constant fear. Those are the times Orban wants back. Times of many suicides among young people.
I am also against sex-change drugs for minors and all that. But you must understand that Orban goes much further than that - he aims to prevent teenagers who are homosexuals to get any information or advice. And he creates an environment of fear.
Mark Adams
Reply to Nick Zealand
Message Actions
Since Hungarian law doesn't forbid teenagers from the internet I fail to see your point. These issues are the province of minors and their parents, not LGBT advocacy groups. Of course that's imperfect, but it's a darn sight better than LGBT taking over the moral welfare of children.
Reply to Nick Zealand
Message Actions
Since Hungarian law doesn't forbid teenagers from the internet I fail to see your point. These issues are the province of minors and their parents, not LGBT advocacy groups. Of course that's imperfect, but it's a darn sight better than LGBT taking over the moral welfare of children.
"The wording of Hungary’s referendum at the weekend insidiously conflated homosexuality with paedophilia."
This is the wording:
• Do you support the teaching of sexual orientation to underage children in public education institutions without parental consent?
• Do you support the promotion of sex reassignment therapy for underage children?
• Do you support the unrestricted exposure of underage children to sexually explicit media content that may affect their development?
• Do you support the showing of sex-change media content to minors?
There was a fifth question, but this was not certified by the court:
• Do you support the availability of sex-change treatments for minors?
The LGBT agenda is nicely laid out by the San Francisco Gay Men's Choir: "We're Coming For Your Childen: https://youtu.be/ArOQF4kadHA
Abolish the NHS. Not only is it a tapeworm on the rest of society, but everyone has horror stories of infections and iatrogenic injuries. Typical is the the healthy older person who goes in after a fall and comes out in a coffin.
Just get the state out of healthcare altogether and make individual citizens responsible for their own and family's health. Maybe a safety net for children. Also a richer, more free society will generate more private charity. How heartless am I? The reality is that aligning incentives with good outcomes is humane, whereas spending other people's money on insatiable demand produces a giant tapeworm that feeds itself on us.
Gender Identity Disorder per American Psychiatric Assn. DSM IV, 2013:
The censors here took down my comment that this was diagnosed as mental illness until recently, so what changed?
Well that's true. Honestly the DT is disgracing itself like WaPo, NYT, Twitter and all the other liberal fascists.
Meanwhile the DT pushes material like this today:
"Meet Harris Reed, the new gender-fluid darling of London fashion: 'I'm about breaking boundaries'"
Coming after the long-running "My Trangender Diary", it seems that the DT is on a mission.
'Antivax pseudoscience' - that may be a completely fair description. I can't judge. I can judge that the same experts, governments, media and big pharma have been wrong about the efficacy and risks of the covid vaccines and therefore cannot be trusted.
Musk is having second thoughts, hence his enigmatic tweet 'Moving on.' A few hours later he attributed it to moving on from the feud with Gates, but that's baloney. He was overpaying anyway, but with the Fed's new hawkishness all dollar denominated asset prices are susceptible to big hits.
Meanwhile the Twitter board sees the same plus the big risk of personal liability lawsuits from shareholders. They are becoming the suitor and Musk the reluctant bride.
The price absolutely matters. $43 bill. in cash is far from chicken feed for Musk especially if loan collateral triggers sales of Tesla. Twitter stock could easily halve or worse. The only barrier to entry for a competitor is the network advantage of the incumbent, but if Libs go off in a sulk, then a new competitor may arise. I surmise that half the fun of Twitter is baiting the Left and laughing at them to their face.
The only issue here is 'Who decides?' Is it We The People through their state legislatures or courts? There is simply no intellectually respectable case that the Constitution ever contemplated or should contemplate delegating social issues in general to the courts. It's correct that 'gay marriage' should also be adjudicated by states' legislatures, but here 'stare decisis' carries more weight because of reliance and, crucially, 'gay marriage' does not involve killing babies.
In effect this judgement simply brings the USA into line with the EU as far as who makes the law on abortion.
Hang on. Do I get a say in this? I don't remember anything in the manifesto about risking World War 3 to defend Sweden, Finland and Ukraine. What's in it for us? Did they defend us in WW2? Did they support us in the Falklands? Shouldn't this be a national debate rather than Boris poncing around like a statesman to try to save his political skin?
Obliterated ISIS, didn't tell the UK to obey the EU or else, offered to fast track UK/US trade deals....yet the DT stenographed the Left's propaganda and still does...Ben Riley-Smith, Nick Allen, Rozina Sabur. Daniel Hannan was equally poor, but has the excuse that he writes opinion; the others are reporters.
His senility was obvious in 2020. Obama and Gates had vouched for Biden's Fubarring expertise years before. But this esteemed organ aped the American msm in covering up Biden's confusion and corruption, while sliming Trump whose foreign policy record has been superb. Shame on the DT.
You're usually more perceptive, Camilla. It's not the PR damage from the report, it's the actual damage from the facts. As a Brexit conservative myself I have no axe to grind. The facts make Boris someone who imposed tyrannical laws for reasons which he didn't buy into himself. Those laws caused awful harm to old and young. Defenestration is way insufficient; a permanent presence on London Bridge would be more apt.
I too enjoyed the persona for years, but the reality of government by Stonewall, Greenpeace and the medico-pharma mafia has been nauseating. The sight of him yesterday in front of the committee wearing an AIDS lapel badge with some bloke with a rainbow lanyard prominent in camera right behind him is almost too apt to be true. Finally he was brought down by a gay groper in Pride Month. Someone up there has a sense of humour.
The weakest of weak tea. Boris has probably governed further left than Corbyn. Government by Greenpeace, Stonewall, Pharma and Davos is Boris's legacy.
In order:
1. He governed to the left of Corbyn. Policies were those of Stonewall, Greenpeace and the authoritarian medico-pharma blob. He lost the base.
2. The parties matter because they proved that he and his circle weren't afraid of of the sickness that justified the most catastrophic policy errors in peacetime history. The example in everyone's mind is the elderly who died bewildered and alone because their children were prohibited from being with them.
3. We became bored with his schtick.
"The wording of Hungary’s referendum at the weekend insidiously conflated homosexuality with paedophilia."
This is the wording:
• Do you support the teaching of sexual orientation to underage children in public education institutions without parental consent?
• Do you support the promotion of sex reassignment therapy for underage children?
• Do you support the unrestricted exposure of underage children to sexually explicit media content that may affect their development?
• Do you support the showing of sex-change media content to minors?
There was a fifth question, but this was not certified by the court:
• Do you support the availability of sex-change treatments for minors?
The LGBT agenda is nicely laid out by the San Francisco Gay Men's Choir: "We're Coming For Your Childen: https://youtu.be/ArOQF4kadHA
Abolish the NHS. Not only is it a tapeworm on the rest of society, but everyone has horror stories of infections and iatrogenic injuries. Typical is the the healthy older person who goes in after a fall and comes out in a coffin.
Just get the state out of healthcare altogether and make individual citizens responsible for their own and family's health. Maybe a safety net for children. Also a richer, more free society will generate more private charity. How heartless am I? The reality is that aligning incentives with good outcomes is humane, whereas spending other people's money on insatiable demand produces a giant tapeworm that feeds itself on us.
Gender Identity Disorder per American Psychiatric Assn. DSM IV, 2013:
The censors here took down my comment that this was diagnosed as mental illness until recently, so what changed?
Well that's true. Honestly the DT is disgracing itself like WaPo, NYT, Twitter and all the other liberal fascists.
Meanwhile the DT pushes material like this today:
"Meet Harris Reed, the new gender-fluid darling of London fashion: 'I'm about breaking boundaries'"
Coming after the long-running "My Trangender Diary", it seems that the DT is on a mission.
'Antivax pseudoscience' - that may be a completely fair description. I can't judge. I can judge that the same experts, governments, media and big pharma have been wrong about the efficacy and risks of the covid vaccines and therefore cannot be trusted.
Musk is having second thoughts, hence his enigmatic tweet 'Moving on.' A few hours later he attributed it to moving on from the feud with Gates, but that's baloney. He was overpaying anyway, but with the Fed's new hawkishness all dollar denominated asset prices are susceptible to big hits.
Meanwhile the Twitter board sees the same plus the big risk of personal liability lawsuits from shareholders. They are becoming the suitor and Musk the reluctant bride.
The price absolutely matters. $43 bill. in cash is far from chicken feed for Musk especially if loan collateral triggers sales of Tesla. Twitter stock could easily halve or worse. The only barrier to entry for a competitor is the network advantage of the incumbent, but if Libs go off in a sulk, then a new competitor may arise. I surmise that half the fun of Twitter is baiting the Left and laughing at them to their face.
The only issue here is 'Who decides?' Is it We The People through their state legislatures or courts? There is simply no intellectually respectable case that the Constitution ever contemplated or should contemplate delegating social issues in general to the courts. It's correct that 'gay marriage' should also be adjudicated by states' legislatures, but here 'stare decisis' carries more weight because of reliance and, crucially, 'gay marriage' does not involve killing babies.
In effect this judgement simply brings the USA into line with the EU as far as who makes the law on abortion.
Hang on. Do I get a say in this? I don't remember anything in the manifesto about risking World War 3 to defend Sweden, Finland and Ukraine. What's in it for us? Did they defend us in WW2? Did they support us in the Falklands? Shouldn't this be a national debate rather than Boris poncing around like a statesman to try to save his political skin?
Obliterated ISIS, didn't tell the UK to obey the EU or else, offered to fast track UK/US trade deals....yet the DT stenographed the Left's propaganda and still does...Ben Riley-Smith, Nick Allen, Rozina Sabur. Daniel Hannan was equally poor, but has the excuse that he writes opinion; the others are reporters.
His senility was obvious in 2020. Obama and Gates had vouched for Biden's Fubarring expertise years before. But this esteemed organ aped the American msm in covering up Biden's confusion and corruption, while sliming Trump whose foreign policy record has been superb. Shame on the DT.
You're usually more perceptive, Camilla. It's not the PR damage from the report, it's the actual damage from the facts. As a Brexit conservative myself I have no axe to grind. The facts make Boris someone who imposed tyrannical laws for reasons which he didn't buy into himself. Those laws caused awful harm to old and young. Defenestration is way insufficient; a permanent presence on London Bridge would be more apt.
I too enjoyed the persona for years, but the reality of government by Stonewall, Greenpeace and the medico-pharma mafia has been nauseating. The sight of him yesterday in front of the committee wearing an AIDS lapel badge with some bloke with a rainbow lanyard prominent in camera right behind him is almost too apt to be true. Finally he was brought down by a gay groper in Pride Month. Someone up there has a sense of humour.
The weakest of weak tea. Boris has probably governed further left than Corbyn. Government by Greenpeace, Stonewall, Pharma and Davos is Boris's legacy.
In order:
1. He governed to the left of Corbyn. Policies were those of Stonewall, Greenpeace and the authoritarian medico-pharma blob. He lost the base.
2. The parties matter because they proved that he and his circle weren't afraid of of the sickness that justified the most catastrophic policy errors in peacetime history. The example in everyone's mind is the elderly who died bewildered and alone because their children were prohibited from being with them.
3. We became bored with his schtick.
As for a successor:
All the candidates are unqualified by experience and most of them are careerist creeps, but 1 dark horse is Suella Braverman, the Attorney-General. There are signs that she has the ideological fortitude that impresses Thatcherites like me. She's Asian origin, but conservatives aren't racists. The leading early candidate, another Asian, is my MP, Rishi Sunak, ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer, but he's shown neither courage nor conservatism. He's slick and presentable and Davosians love him. Yuck.
The best would be Lord Frost. He's a proper conservative, very bright and articulate. He could renounce his peerage and stand as an MP. May lack the killer instinct.
Maybe Trump could get a British passport and help us out for a couple of years.
Sunak signed up to Biden's global minimum corporation tax, raised corporation tax, raised National Insurance, windfall tax, broke manifesto commitment.
Oh and can't say that a woman is an 'adult human female'.
What a phony. What a coward.
The following are disqualifiers:
1. Pushing or justifying vaccine mandates.
2. Pushing tougher Lockdown.
3. Equivocation about 'What is a woman?'
4. Raising taxes contrary to the Manifesto.
5. Voting for May's Brexit betrayals.
I think that leaves Braverman and Frost.
It's nothing to do with 'women's rights'. It's a question of basic sanity. If you can't distinguish between a man and a woman, then you're insane. If you can, but won't say it like it is, then you're a coward and a phony.
The only 'more experienced' conservative Conservative that I know is Frost. Badenoch is pretty well experienced in life at least. In Nigeria till 16, menial job at MacDonalds, Computer Science at FE college, and, most important of all, motherhood.
Good for them. There is zero science supporting Covid vaccinations for these young athletes and plenty of science against.
This stale, pale male prefers the black woman and the brown woman conservatives to the stale, pale male faux-conservative careerist creeps or the brown ones.
The DT and other media which have either suppressed or downplayed the plague of Islamic child rape in the UK is equally to blame as the police. And yes it is Islamic, not Hindu, not Buddhist, not Christian, tho the Catholic priest pedophiles seem to belong to another protected class.
I trust that the DT censor will take to heart this sentence above:
" This systematic sexual exploitation of children was allowed to continue because their protection was deemed secondary to the maintenance of good community relations.'
Re beagles: thanks for that. When other animals including humans get shut away from our sight and mercy, it becomes ultra-easy to ignore the hell that our species inflicts. I get it that you want to save these 4,000 beagles and don't want to get sidetracked into a wider debate. Makes sense. But the underlying issue is if our species is so special that we have the right to behave like devils to other animals - include less sympatico creatures like rats or fish in this - then what is it that's special about us? It's not compassion. It's not altruism. It's naked power - we do these things because we can.
Messrs Hayward, Johnson and Hinderaker all agree that Trump delivered on the Supreme Court, plus energy, peace, security, economy... all in the face of all-out war from the deep state, the media, academia. More maddening than Tushnet's hysterics is that this percipient Powerline crew wants Trump to stand down from 2024. They place more weight on affect than effect. They themselves are offended by Trump's demeanor and therefore assert that a decisive slice of the electorate is offended. I assert that 2020 was a] Rigged, which is beyond dispute, and b] Stolen, which should be beyond dispute, We all agree that Trump's term had superb outcomes for America, but I prefer effect to affect. That's not to diss DeSantis, but Trump has proved his point thru doing the job and so should be a no-brainer for the nomination. End rant.
Re beagles: thanks for that. When other animals including humans get shut away from our sight and mercy, it becomes ultra-easy to ignore the hell that our species inflicts. I get it that you want to save these 4,000 beagles and don't want to get sidetracked into a wider debate. Makes sense. But the underlying issue is if our species is so special that we have the right to behave like devils to other animals - include less sympatico creatures like rats or fish in this - then what is it that's special about us? It's not compassion. It's not altruism. It's naked power - we do these things because we can.
Sunak, Oxford PPE. Truss, Oxford PPE. Mordaunt, Stonewall PPE.
All the candidates are unqualified by experience and most of them are careerist creeps, but 1 dark horse is Suella Braverman, the Attorney-General. There are signs that she has the ideological fortitude that impresses Thatcherites like me. She's Asian origin, but conservatives aren't racists. The leading early candidate, another Asian, is my MP, Rishi Sunak, ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer, but he's shown neither courage nor conservatism. He's slick and presentable and Davosians love him. Yuck.
The best would be Lord Frost. He's a proper conservative, very bright and articulate. He could renounce his peerage and stand as an MP. May lack the killer instinct.
Maybe Trump could get a British passport and help us out for a couple of years.
Sunak signed up to Biden's global minimum corporation tax, raised corporation tax, raised National Insurance, windfall tax, broke manifesto commitment.
Oh and can't say that a woman is an 'adult human female'.
What a phony. What a coward.
The following are disqualifiers:
1. Pushing or justifying vaccine mandates.
2. Pushing tougher Lockdown.
3. Equivocation about 'What is a woman?'
4. Raising taxes contrary to the Manifesto.
5. Voting for May's Brexit betrayals.
I think that leaves Braverman and Frost.
It's nothing to do with 'women's rights'. It's a question of basic sanity. If you can't distinguish between a man and a woman, then you're insane. If you can, but won't say it like it is, then you're a coward and a phony.
The only 'more experienced' conservative Conservative that I know is Frost. Badenoch is pretty well experienced in life at least. In Nigeria till 16, menial job at MacDonalds, Computer Science at FE college, and, most important of all, motherhood.
Good for them. There is zero science supporting Covid vaccinations for these young athletes and plenty of science against.
This stale, pale male prefers the black woman and the brown woman conservatives to the stale, pale male faux-conservative careerist creeps or the brown ones.
The DT and other media which have either suppressed or downplayed the plague of Islamic child rape in the UK is equally to blame as the police. And yes it is Islamic, not Hindu, not Buddhist, not Christian, tho the Catholic priest pedophiles seem to belong to another protected class.
I trust that the DT censor will take to heart this sentence above:
" This systematic sexual exploitation of children was allowed to continue because their protection was deemed secondary to the maintenance of good community relations.'
Re beagles: thanks for that. When other animals including humans get shut away from our sight and mercy, it becomes ultra-easy to ignore the hell that our species inflicts. I get it that you want to save these 4,000 beagles and don't want to get sidetracked into a wider debate. Makes sense. But the underlying issue is if our species is so special that we have the right to behave like devils to other animals - include less sympatico creatures like rats or fish in this - then what is it that's special about us? It's not compassion. It's not altruism. It's naked power - we do these things because we can.
Messrs Hayward, Johnson and Hinderaker all agree that Trump delivered on the Supreme Court, plus energy, peace, security, economy... all in the face of all-out war from the deep state, the media, academia. More maddening than Tushnet's hysterics is that this percipient Powerline crew wants Trump to stand down from 2024. They place more weight on affect than effect. They themselves are offended by Trump's demeanor and therefore assert that a decisive slice of the electorate is offended. I assert that 2020 was a] Rigged, which is beyond dispute, and b] Stolen, which should be beyond dispute, We all agree that Trump's term had superb outcomes for America, but I prefer effect to affect. That's not to diss DeSantis, but Trump has proved his point thru doing the job and so should be a no-brainer for the nomination. End rant.
Re beagles: thanks for that. When other animals including humans get shut away from our sight and mercy, it becomes ultra-easy to ignore the hell that our species inflicts. I get it that you want to save these 4,000 beagles and don't want to get sidetracked into a wider debate. Makes sense. But the underlying issue is if our species is so special that we have the right to behave like devils to other animals - include less sympatico creatures like rats or fish in this - then what is it that's special about us? It's not compassion. It's not altruism. It's naked power - we do these things because we can.
Sunak, Oxford PPE. Truss, Oxford PPE. Mordaunt, Stonewall PPE.
I agree with Bridgen. The Reclaim Party is mostly Laurence Fox who has the bravado to cut through, but not the political clout. The alternative Right is led by The Reform Party led by Richard Tice (telegenic, slightly boring but improving) and conservatives need to cohere round that lot. Reform is gaining traction in the polls, but its not a UK version of the German AfD yet.
Farage is teasing a comeback to frontline politics, suggesting that Boris should join him. I don't see Farage as the future and Boris should be in jail not for breaking the lockdown laws but for making the lockdown laws.
The intense disillusionment with the Conservative Party will almost certainly lead to a Labour government next year. Labour are scum, but such a disaster may provide space for a new Right to evolve. Cf Obama>Tea Party>Trump.
Farage is teasing a comeback to frontline politics, suggesting that Boris should join him. I don't see Farage as the future and Boris should be in jail not for breaking the lockdown laws but for making the lockdown laws.
The intense disillusionment with the Conservative Party will almost certainly lead to a Labour government next year. Labour are scum, but such a disaster may provide space for a new Right to evolve. Cf Obama>Tea Party>Trump.
Most of us got measles in the 50's and 60's. None were hospitalised.
When you dig into the detail, one typically finds that measles outbreaks hit the vaxxed as much as or more than the unvaxxed, of whom many have natural immunity.
When you interrogate adult vaccine fans, one typically finds that their own vaccine induced immunity has expired and not been renewed anyway.
Something caused the sudden pandemic of autism/adhd/allergies from around 1989. Since it correlates with a dramatic expansion of the childhod vaccine regimen then the scientific thing would be to examine for causation. The absence of enquiry or long-term studies on the immune system at population level recalls this recent meme: "By not telling us whose cocaine it is you're telling us whose cocaine it is."
When Big Med, Big Pharma and Big Government have lied about the covid vaccines, then it is absurdly unscientific to trust them on other vaccines.
I do not want to be taxed to fund somebody else's adult choices, worthwhile or not. Just remove public money from 'Higher Education' altogether and the problem will sort itself out.
The worst aspect is the prolonged adolescence of living in someone else's hierarchy in the years when young males especially should be assuming responsibilities, making mistakes and taking on risks. That safetyism is what animates so much of the senior echelons of British life so that creatures like Simon Case rise to the top.
'Pride' is and always was stupid. Britten for example was a genius whose homosexuality made him an outsider. Auden the same. That outsiderness is a huge plus for an original artist. Pride has nothing to do with it. What is there to be proud about anyway?
The UK government has no mandate to risk World War 3 to engage in a territorial war for a non-ally. So far we've achieved:
Stregthening Russia's military through battle testing;
Strengthening Russia's arms production;
An anti western alliance between 2 superpowers;
An anti western economic bloc in BRICS;
Setting up the UK as the prime target for Russian nukes;
Sanctions which hurt us and harden Russia;
The utter waste of Ukrainian and Russian young lives;
Devastation in Ukraine.
This is a fiasco wreaked by polisci and PPE elites in the west who have no experience of war and no expertise in managing risk. They are habituated to treating others' money and others' lives as expendable. We should be pushing ceasefire, not thwarting it.
After many years overseas I, a Londoner, chose to live at the northern edge of the North York Moors. There are 5 national parks no further than 2 hours mostly pleasant drive, and many other other fabulous locations. There's plenty of solitude still to be found. The Moors have the advantage of clashing weather systems from different points of the compass, whereas the Dales and the Lakes are more governed by the Great Grey-Green Greasy Gulf Stream. We have more sunshine and more celestial drama here near the east coast. Other than that it's awful - nearly no Diversity alas, alack.
Douglas Murray is a fine thinker and writer and talker. Ditto Toby Young. Ditto Dan Hannan. Yet they all have a blind spot about Trump. It's not anything that Trump has done, it's his affect that offends them. To a rational mind Trump was a highly successful President, robbed of a second term, and is now subject to blatantly tyrannical lawfare. But to these gents Trump is an outcast. I attribute their misjudgement to Oxford University. There's something in the water there that poisons even or especially the cleverest young men against practical men of business with the common touch. He built things with bricks. They built things with words. Then this oik storms in and uses words with more genius than they've ever mustered and that is unforgivable.
Dear Carmine, I’m English, loathe the EU, love most European countries, especially France but I’ve lived in Den Haag and near Zurich, and I absolutely want the various languages and cultures to prosper. But….
American English and English English are effectively the same due to the complete mingling of the media. If anything Englishisms are taking over America. Both sides understand the marginal differences in vocab and spelling.
English is flexible and adaptable like no other language due to the waves of invasion and immigration and importation. Most Brits aren’t in the least snobbish about the creative use of English by anybody else. We are mostly charmed and often imitate the imitation.
China, India, Africa ain’t gonna learn Esperanto! My god, it’s so boring. There’s no Beatles or Hollywood or Taylor Swift to engage the young.
The most important reason to me, tho the least important to most, is that English opens the door to Shakespeare. To have lived without engaging with that mind is, well, a tragedy.
It’s not fairness and it’s not unfair advantage. Britons don’t care what the EU does. Speak Esperanto by all means. English is simply more apt because more malleable and moreover more worthwhile because of the unmatched breadth and depth of the literature in English.
GPs, Big Pharma, Government all lied through their teeth all through Covid. They know we know; we know they know we know; but they still lie.
Then why take their word about any vaccine when they refuse to do studies on the strong correlation between the explosion of allergies, adhd etc with the tremendous increase in childhood vaccination. m.
Then why take their word about any vaccine when they refuse to do studies on the strong correlation between the explosion of allergies, adhd etc with the tremendous increase in childhood vaccination. m.
Suella Braverman is one of the very few conservatives in the Conservative Party. Kemi Badenoch is another. Both are potential leaders, both are the children of immigrants, both are non-white women, both are mothers.
The males in the Conservative Party (white and black) are mostly lickspittle conformists. Superficially sound men like Jacob Rees-Mogg and Steve Baker turn out utterly biddable when the chips are down. The other parties (Labour, Lib-Dems, Scottish Nazis, Welsh Nazis) are like little demons in a Bosch painting - cackling grotesques expecting to inherit the Earth.
PM Sunak (my Member of Parliament) is a creature of the Blob, personally conservative, politically subservient to cultural marxists.
Meanwhile the UK is directly involved in a war against Russia, our missiles are hitting Crimea. Lunatic.
Eheu! What can't go on won't go on. M.
The males in the Conservative Party (white and black) are mostly lickspittle conformists. Superficially sound men like Jacob Rees-Mogg and Steve Baker turn out utterly biddable when the chips are down. The other parties (Labour, Lib-Dems, Scottish Nazis, Welsh Nazis) are like little demons in a Bosch painting - cackling grotesques expecting to inherit the Earth.
PM Sunak (my Member of Parliament) is a creature of the Blob, personally conservative, politically subservient to cultural marxists.
Meanwhile the UK is directly involved in a war against Russia, our missiles are hitting Crimea. Lunatic.
Eheu! What can't go on won't go on. M.